Video Book Iwus International Group Unique product solutions & Brand understanding
Industry studies have shown that VideoBook wings purchase decision of 72% compared with ordinary advertorials. VideoBook increases the understanding and the customer retains more than 50% of what was displayed. 75% of customers / consumers prefer video presentations in front of the plain text display. A direct mail campaign using Video Book can produce an astounding 60% response rate compared to 13% for common printed materials. A survey by Forbes magazine did turned out that 60% of people surveyed would rather they looked at promotional video than reading a promotional leaflet. 1 WHAT DO WE GET OF A VIDEOBOOK
3 Screen Size Resolution: 320×240 Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Battery Options: 90 minits playing Touch Screen: No Resolution: 480×272 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Battery Options: 90 minits Touch Screen: Yes (Option) Resolution: 800×480 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Battery Options: 90 minits Touch Screen: Yes (Option) All video brochures are available with either 128mb, 256mb, 512mb, 1gb, 2gb or 4gb of storage.
4 Programming, Sequencing and Controls: Each video unit can hold up to six videos in sequence. There are three ways of controlling the functionality of your video brochure: Auto-play on opening: The video loads on opening once a magnetic control switch embedded in the cover is activated; the sequence then plays or loops according to your requirement. As the video is loading a.jpeg image can be displayed, usually a company logo or product shot. Button controls: We can incorporate up to six buttons into the printed carrier that activate the video sequence, play, volume or other features you would like to include as an option. Touch screen functionality: Both 5” and 7” screens have touch screen options.
5 Artwork Requirements for the Printed Carrier Video brochures come in standard A6, A5 and A4 sizes either portrait or landscape with varying apertures to accommodate the screen options:
6 Design Checklist In order to ensure a high quality video brochure is delivered it is important to check artwork conforms to the following design requirements: Each carrier option is provided with a design template. This should be set-up as a layered file (5th colour) in your design program. Ideally we would like to receive artwork as a high resolution print-ready.PDF with the design template switched off. We also accept.EPS, InDesign, illustrator and quark files with imbedded images and linked fonts. Please ensure all images are a minimum of 300dpi. Prior to outputting your.PDF please check that all RGB and special colours (not charged as extra) are converted to four colour process. It is essential that a minimum bleed of 3mm is added to all template trim lines. Don’t place important text or images within 3mm or trim or crease lines. Button placement – ensure buttons are not placed within 1.5cm of the page extent, screen or other buttons. Opening image. As the video loads a.jpeg can be shown to avoid a few seconds of white screen. This should be provided at the same resolution and aspect ratio as the screen requirement Upload artwork using our complimentary digital courier. If you would like to take advantage of our free recycle and returns programme, please inset the following text on your carrier.
Iwus International Group Unique product solutions & Brand understanding Lilla Drottninggatan 3 – Göteborg –