Asexual Reproduction Advantages and Disadvantages
Binary Fission Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission Binary fission: a copy of their single chromosome is produced and then the cell divides in half so that one half gets one chromosome and the other half gets the other chromosome Because the chromosome was duplicated, each new cell receives a complete set of hereditary information
Asexual Reproduction Binary fission is an example of asexual reproduction in single celled organisms Multi-cellular organisms that reproduction asexually is more complex and occurs in the nucleus through mitosis. Only types of asexual reproduction are: Budding Fragmentation Gemmules (Internal Buds) Regeneration
Budding Offspring grows out of the body of the parent Hydras exhibit this type of reproduction Jellyfish also reproduce through budding
Sponges Sponges reproduce asexually through gemmules (internal buds) A parent releases a specialized mass of cells that can develop into an offspring
Fragmentation In this form of asexual reproduction, the body of the parent breaks into distinct pieces, each of which can produce an offspring. Molds, yeast and some mushrooms reproduce in this way.
Regeneration If a piece of a parent is detached, it can grow and develop into a completely new individual. Flatworms use this type of asexual reproduction.
Mitosis In a complex cell going through asexual reproduction, the nucleus divides during a process called mitosis. Mitosis ensures that each new cell received the same number and kinds of chromosomes that were present in the parent cell. In both binary fission/mitosis, these processes produce two offspring with hereditary information that is identical to the parent cell.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction Advantage: an organism does not have to wait for a partner to be able to produce offspring. Disadvantage: the offspring are exactly like the parents (no variation in DNA). Asexual reproduction does not allow organisms to have variation from generation to generation. (could cause an organism to die out if changes occur in ecosystem)