code Society and Health A community and population health perspective on the provision of health care services in Australia
code Weekly themes 1. Screening and prevention; 2. Drugs and violence; 3. Mental health and well-being; 4. Environmental health; 5. Evidence based public health; 6. Cross cultural and Indigenous health; 7. Occupational health; 8. Global health
code Weekly program Monday and Friday – on campus lectures, tutorials, CMT Tue, Wed, Thu – off campus Clinical attachment: patients, clinical skills, data for clinical mini-audit Course tutor session: case presentations/discussions
Clinical attachments location NOT RELATED to clinical school based on your preferred type of clinical service, notified to us before Ph2 starts special consideration due to illness or carer responsibilities. Notify SH3 course team even if you have already notified Faculty office self-starters do better code
Assessment Group Projectwk 5 progress presentation wk 8 conference style presentation and written report assessed by SH3 team Campus sessionsattendance and participation assessed by SH3 team Course tutor sessionsattendance and participation assessed by tutor Clinical attachmentattendance and participation assessed by supervisor QMPOnline tutorial and clinical mini- audit assessed by Rachel Thompson eMed Teamworkcomments by peers and SH3 course convenor ICESH questions
code More information Course convenor Dr Suzanne McKenzie Level 3, Samuels Building Ph: (Not Wednesdays) Fax: Undergraduate Administrator- SPHCM Vanessa Green Level 3, Samuels Building Ph: Fax: