College of Science August 20, 2013 Interactive Office Hours Agenda What is an “office hour”? “Interactive” defined Role of the student. Role of the teacher. Rules It is easier for a tutor to command than to teach. John Locke English philosopher
What are “Office Hours”? Make a list of at least three objectives of office hours.
What is your role in office hours? Create a definition TUTOR
What does “Interactive” mean? Prepare a paper for submission. One per student. Put your name in the upper right corner. Begin by writing down what you believe to be a suitable answer to the above question. Definition of INTERACTIVE 1: mutually or reciprocally active 2: involving the actions or input of a user; especially : of, relating to, or being a two-way electronic communication system (as a telephone, cable television, or a computer) that involves a user's orders (as for information or merchandise) or responses (as to a poll)
Write down two or three reasons you think students come to office hours. Share with your group members. What do students want?
How do you think students will respond to an interactive office hour session? In your groups discuss an interactive approach to each of the following situations. Struggling student. Has been trying, but can’t seem to “get” it. Students looking for right answers. Students looking for quick answers. E.g. Student that comes in at the last minute. Students with a disconnect on understanding that they’ve clearly identified. Perfectionists
What about the Tutor? Answer the following true/false questions. _____ 1.It’s my role to help my students with whatever they need help with. _____ 2.If a student I work with doesn’t get it, then I am responsible. _____ 3.I know that I will encounter some students who have no motivation. _____ 4.I would expect that in tutoring sessions, students should do more explaining than their tutors. _____ 5.It is critically important that I praise my students liberally.
More true/false questions. _____ 6.Providing clear and accurate explanations to the student is at the heart of my best tutoring. _____ 7.Asking good questions is at the heart of my best tutoring. _____ 8.Compared to me, at least some of the students I work with are likely to have very different attitudes toward school and the subjects I teach. _____ 9.It’s important for me to trust my perceptions. _____ 10.My students must learn standard English and I should teach them.
Six Goals of Tutoring Promote independence in learning. Personalize instruction. Facilitate tutee insights into learning and the learning process. Provide a student perspective on learning and school success. Respect individual differences. Follow a job description.
THE TUTOR CYCLE Greet Identify Task Break Task into Parts Identify Thought Process Set the Agenda Address the Task Tutee Summary of Answer Tutee Summary of Underlying Process Confirmation What next?
The Rules interactive office hours In your groups, develop a list of four or five rules for conducting interactive office hours.
The Rules STUDENT AGREEMENT 1. Students are expected to have attempted all homework and other assignments prior to tutorial session and bring the following items to each tutoring appointment: (Syllabus, textbook, calculator, notebook, writing utensils, any directions from the instructor concerning an assignment, etc.). 6. Tutors will provide reinforcement of classroom instruction through demonstration, explanation, clarification, modeling, etc. 7. The Tutor will NOT: proofread your writing assignment, do your homework for you, “cram” with you for a last minute study session, write your paper, give you the answer, give you a topic/idea, or perform under an unreasonable time limit. 8. Tutoring will not necessarily result in perfect work and does not guarantee an “A”. 9. Should conflicts occur due to scheduling, personalities, or any other concerns between a student and tutor, please contact the TC Coordinator directly to make any appropriate changes or adjustments.
The Rules The Tutor must: ask questions actively engage all students assist all students regardless of need make use of group work guide students to a better understanding teach students how to learn encourage good behavior, discourage bad behavior