T Software Engineering Seminar Agile Software Development 3 credit units Jari Vanhanen Helsinki University of Technology Software Business and Engineering Institute
2 Objectives Understanding of agile software develoment different agile methodologies: XP, DSDM, ASD, Crystal, SCRUM... what is common to them all just-enough process responsive to changes code-centric close customer collaboration iterative Learning to make research work and to present its results
3 Target audience Suggested pre-requisites both theoretical and practical experience on software projects T Basic Course in SE T Software Processes T Software Project or work experience
4 Contents Lectures intro, eXtreme programming scientific writing, agile software development Pre-examination Cockburn, A. Agile Software Development, Addison-Wesley, e.g. bol.com 42.00€ lecture 2 covers the main points of the book Writing the paper several intermediate deliveries Wrap-up session presentation opposing
5 Seminar report 0. Choosing a topic propose your own topic or one of those provided by the organizers to approaches e.g. literature study or empirical paper 1. Defining research problem, objectives, methods and scope 2. Writing the preliminary annotated table of contents and list of sources 3. Complete draft 4. Final version including the one page summary
6 Deliveries at milestones Send each delivery to AND your PDF, PS, WORD Subject: T final versions will be published on the course web page Have a 30 minute meeting with your tutor a couple of days after deliveries 1-3 agree on the exact time with your tutor
7 Wrap-up session minutes presentation PowerPoint slides 10 minutes discussion opponent, tutor Session length is n*25 minutes in Spektri Opposing Objective analyze the report and present your critique identify ways to improve the paper Content of debate max. 10 minutes commenting the most important aspects of the report commenting the most important aspects of the presentation commenting possible limitations, obscurities and errors presenting suggestions to improve the paper presenting alternative solutions presenting supplementary material
8 Grading scale 0-5 pre-exam 30 % final report, presentation & debating 70 % deliverables 1-3 scale pass/fail each fail resulting in subtraction of 1 from the grade calculated from pre-exam and the seminar paper
9 Schedule Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Pre-exam DL: Selecting a topic. DL: Milestone 1 (problem definition) DL: Milestone 2 (table of contents) DL: Milestone 3 (complete draft) DL: Milestone 4 (final version) wrap-up session