Croeso I Taliesin
Taliesin staff Head of House : Mr M McCormick Tutors for learningCo Tutors Miss L Davies Miss Sian Evans Mr C Hampshire Mrs C Gough Mr D Jones Mrs A Summers Miss H McLauchlin Miss C Healy Mrs H Smith Miss C McQuaid
What is different about being in KS4? Lunchtime will be between 1.05 p.m and 1.40 p.m Students will be moving all around the school for their lessons Students will get to know a wider range of staff and pupils of all ages in their classes.
Tutor for Learning sessions Take place every day at 2.40pm for 20 minutes Conducted by the tutor and co tutor both of whom will get to know the students well One session per week will be for an assembly
What happens in TFL sessions The class discuss and reflect on a thought for the week which is normally topical Learning conversations take place between students and co tutor Uniform and equipment is checked Attendance, behaviour and achievement discussed Literacy and numeracy activities A weekly quiz General discussions to ensure students well being is maintained take place
Taliesin Blog This is updated regularly with information applicable to Taliesin students Displayed every day during TFL session Can be accessed from home via the schools home page
Concerns If you or your child have any concerns please contact me by phone or by