Journal Author Tim O ’ Brien begins his novel The Things They Carried with a list of items that the soldiers carry, both physical and intangible items. He notes that the physical items often reflect their position (i.e. Rat Kiley the medic carries medical supplies) and/or beliefs (Kiowa carries the Bible). They also carry emotions; and as the reader will learn, the novel is about the emotions involved in war. Reflect on the items you carry. Identify tangible items that you carry every day and why you carry them (i.e. cell phone to communicate, watch to tell time, a certain piece of jewelry for its sentimental value). Also identify the intangible items that you carry (i.e. fear of failure, excitement for the afternoon, intellectual curiosity). Respond in a well formed paragraph (9-11 sentences).
Journal In Tim O ’ Brien ’ s The Things They Carried he prescribes the ingredients for a “ true ” war story. Discuss a “ true ” war story ’ s “ moral, ” its ending, effect on the reader/listener, and happening truth v. story truth. Respond in a paragraph (5-6 sentences). In a second paragraph (5-6 sentences), choose one of the following stories and explain how the story fits O ’ Brien ’ s description of a “ true war story ” : the story of the men who napalm an entire mountain region, Rat Kiley and the baby water buffalo, OR Mary Anne Bell.
Journal Reflect on first quarter. You may focus solely on this class, or on all courses. What worked well for you, and why? What did not work so well for you; why? What changes will you make for next quarter? How will you implement these changes? What goals do you have for next quarter? What strategies will you use to reach these goals? Respond in a paragraph.
Choice Book! Find the people who have a matching post-it note. Bring your choice book, and sit with those people. One at a time, discuss the following: 1) Title and author of your book, 2) subject of the book, 3) what you liked about the book, 4) what you didn’t like about the book, 5) would you recommend the book and why, and to whom you would recommend the book/ who would like this book 6) what you plan to read next, and 7) how you found time to read, and how you can find more time to read.
Journal Mary Anne Bell had “ no emotion in her stare, no sense of the person behind it… She was wearing her culottes, her pink sweater, and a necklace of human tongues. She was dangerous. She was ready for the kill ” (O ’ Brien ). Explain how the above description of Mary Anne illustrates the effects of Vietnam and the war. Respond in a well-developed paragraph (9-11 sentences).
Journal In the chapter entitled “ Stockings ” of Tim O ’ Brien ’ s The Things They Carried, Henry Dobbins wears his girlfriend ’ s stockings around his neck. Explain how the stockings are a good luck charm, or a talisman. What do they represent? What is their symbolic significance? Choose two other objects: Jimmy Cross ’ pebble, the young boy ’ s picture of his girlfriend, Jimmy Cross ’ picture of Martha, AND explain how they too are talismans/good look charms as well as their symbolic significance. Respond in a well-developed paragraph (9-11 sentences).
Journal Let ’ s assume that Tim O ’ Brien ’ s daughter is purely a fictional character. Why does he include her in his novel? What does she represent? Why does he include various versions of the story of “ the man he killed ” ? O ’ Brien argues that his writing is not therapeutic, yet there is certainly evidence to indicate otherwise. Let ’ s say O ’ Brien is wrong; how then is including a fictitious daughter and telling varying versions of the story of the man he killed “ writing as therapy ” ? Respond in a well-developed paragraph (8-10 sentences).
Journal /19.15 It can be argued that Tim O ’ Brien is a manipulator, that he “ dupes ” his reader into believing his stories, his fiction. Assume that this is true. What stylistic devices does O ’ Brien use to lure the reader? How does O ’ Brien ’ s use of language capture the reader in O ’ Brien ’ s web of fiction? Use specific examples from the text to support your response. Respond in a well-developed paragraph (8-10 sentences).