Career Exploration Presentation Group #5
Guess the Mystery Career Field ! Sales Account Executive Graphic Designer Marketing Digital Producer Freelance Writer/Photographer Anchor Public Affairs Specialist
Overview: Broadcast Media Networks (ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX) Most networks produce a variety of news (talk shows/daily national news,etc) and rebroadcast their programming on local television stations Seldom hire anyone without some type of television experience. Cable Operations (CNN) 24/hr news requires need for more journalists and offer more entry-level opportunities than the networks
Overview: Print Media Magazines(Times, Newsweek, US News & World Report) Competition among the writers Pace can be a little less stressful No newsroom/more corporate Newspapers Largest employer of journalists Provide a valuable in depth analysis that broadcast and electronic media cannot provide
List of Job Functions Editor Anchor Producer Graphic Designer Technical Director
General Skills Dedication Initiative Interpersonal communication Patience Curiosity Competitive spirit Flexibility Knowledge of current events Creativity Ability to research Writing
LinkedIn Profiles
Resources and Fun Facts National Job Bank for Broadcasters National Association of Broadcasters National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences The Associated Press Broadcast Employment Services American Copy Editors Society Shoptalk: TV Business Newsletter Journalism Jobs Famous Journalists:Thomas Friedman/Katie Couric/Christiane Amanpour/Anderson Cooper