Spark the Rise Season 1 case studies A solution for dealing with water shortage in villages by harvesting ground water
Salient points The problem: A village with a population of 1000 people needs 2.5 crore litres of water annually. Water is available only if there is adequate groundwater % of rainwater is wasted as run-off and evaporation. There is no way to ‘catch’ and store the water above ground. KFP (Patented) Rainwater harvesting is a low-cost, eco-friendly Super Express Highway for recharging 80% rainwater underground (with negligible run-off and evaporation). One time investment for harvesting rainwater is Rs 4 -5 per cu mtr The idea, says the entrant, can recharge more than 10 crore litres of rainwater underground by implementing the idea –The entrant claims that his idea offers a permanent solution to: A. Problems caused by both drought and floods B. Unreliable Monsoon- No rain, low rain and heavy rain C. Individual farms which rely on rain –D. Solves drinking water crisis and depleting groundwater tables in villages
Who will benefit? The entrant sees his solution helping villages with water scarcity (tanker fed villages) He also sees his idea saving power required for pumping/ transporting water over large distances
How does this work?
The project Champion Vijay Kedia