Next, Susan Rutherford will provide an overview of municipal responsibilities This truism provides context for what follows: Local government exerts control over rainwater runoff volume….through its land development and infrastructure policies, practices and standards
Effective Municipal Rainwater/Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure to Achieve Watershed Health Susan Rutherford West Coast Environmental Law
Opportunities and scales for law and policy to effect change As owners of civic capital assets As regulators of private activity As community leaders and partners Region-neighbourhood-site-building The key to success is alignment, achieved by working together….
Local Gov’t Jurisdiction Regional/community land use planning/consultation Zoning and regulation of development (parking, runoff control, landscaping, development permit guidelines, subdivision servicing) Nexus with drainage & sewage works authority, Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP) responsibility Other (environment, health protection) Permits, licensing and standards Finance (budgeting, reporting)
Strategy (see Commentary) Identify and protect natural Green Infrastructure for multiple services Reduce watershed load (effective land use planning and urban containment) Incorporate and retrofit engineered GI into devt plans Use Water Balance Model to set targets Adjust bylaws and policies to support objectives Plan performance monitoring and follow-up Budget for administrative and operations support
Senior Government Direction: To Provide A Growing Set of Tools Bill 27: more flexibility to provide incentives for green Parking reserve fund for bike, ped and public transpo infrastructure DPAs for water and energy conservation DCC waiver or reductions GHG reductions New requirements coming – re: Green Building Code, Climate Action Plan and Living Water Smart goal Government invitation to ask to have barriers removed… Government grant and awards programs to support program and infrastructure action
Opportunities and scales for law and policy to effect change As owners of civic property As regulators of private activity As community leaders and partners Region-neighbourhood-site-building The key to success is alignment, achieved by working together….