The World in 1050 Scholars studied Greek and Roman writings. Merchants mingled with traders from the Italian states. Mayas cleared rain forests to build.


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Presentation transcript:

The World in 1050 Scholars studied Greek and Roman writings. Merchants mingled with traders from the Italian states. Mayas cleared rain forests to build cities. Native Americans in Peru built empires. The Sonike people built the great trading empire of Ghana. Merchants traded gold all over the world. Culture flourished under Tang and Song dynasties. Chinese made advances in technology. Cities thrived, despite political division. Hinduism and Buddhism flourished. Islamic civilization spread from Spain to India. Islamic traders went as far as West Africa. As Western Europe was just emerging from a period of isolation, civilizations were thriving elsewhere. ISLAMIC EMPIREINDIACHINA WEST AFRICAAMERICASBYZANTINE EMPIRE 3

THE CRUSADES C.E. History of Religion Map

The First Crusade: God Wills It! 1095 – Pope Urban II calls for knights to defeat Turks attacking Byzantine Empire 1096 – Knights, peasants, and trained soldiers were on their way to Jerusalem i. Plan to retake Jerusalem, the holy land of Jesus Why people went i. Religious Zeal / Adventure ii. Gain land / Get Rich iii.Escape trouble at home 1099 – Jerusalem captured: Slaughtered all the Jews and Muslims in the city

The Rest of the Crusades 2 nd Crusade – 1147 a. Christians defeated b.Jerusalem falls to Saladin 3 rd Crusade – 1189 a. Led by Frederick Barbarossa (Red Beard) of Germany i. He drowned on the trip there b. King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England i.Failed to recapture Jerusalem and he was capture 4 th Crusade a i. Defeating the Muslims too hard ii. Attack, burn, and loot Constantinople, a Christian capital Other Crusades a. All failures Saladin

Effects of the Crusades 1. Economy a. Encouraged trade b. Money economy grew 2. Monarchy a. Increased royal power b. Could collect taxes to support crusades c. Magna Carta limited king’s authority – Crusades strengthened monarchy 3. Church a. Increased power of pope b. Popes clashed with feudal monarchs for power c.Church gained huge amounts of land from deaths in crusades 4. Worldview a. Increased contact with other peoples b. Expanded European horizons

Literature, Architecture, and Art Sculptors portrayed religious themes. Stained-glass windows added to the splendor of Gothic churches. The Gothic style was applied to painting and illumination, the artistic decoration of books. Towering stone cathedrals symbolized wealth and religious devotion. The Romanesque style reflected Roman influences. The Gothic Style was characterized by flying buttresses, or stone supports that stood outside the church. New writings in the vernacular, or language of everyday people, captured the spirit of the times. The epic Song of Roland (France) Dante’s Divine Comedy (Italy) Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (England) ART ARCHITECTURE LITERATURE As economic and political conditions improved, Europeans made notable achievements in literature and the arts. 4