Accelerator / Elliptical Cavities Cryomodules Pierre BOSLAND, CEA Saclay External WP5 leader Christine Darve, ESS deputy WP leader April 21, 2015
Elliptical Cryomodules Overview MEDIUM-β HIGH-β β 0.67 0.86 # CM 9 21 Cav. /CM 4 # Cav. 36 84 CM L [m] 6.584 Sector L [m] 77 179 Elliptical cavities Cryomodules Medium-b and high-b Proton Beam Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Technical performances The level-4 requirements for the medium and high beta cryomodules are listed in the DOORS management system (Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System). Conformance of the design with these requirements has been presented at a-TAC (October 2013). Selected requirements: Frequency: 704,42 MHz Nb superconducting cavities at 2K: medium beta cavities: 6 cell at bgeo =0,67 high beta cavities: 5 cell at bgeo =0,86 Nominal accelerating gradients Eacc corresponding to 45MV/m peak field : 16,7MV/m : medium beta cavities 19,9MV/m : high beta cavities Max RF power dissipation at nominal gradient corresponding to Q0=59 (RF duty cycle: 4,7%): Medium beta cavities: 4,9W High beta cavities: 6,5W Maximum RF peak power: 1,1MW No HOM coupler: All higher order modes (HOMs) shall be at least 5 MHz away from integer multiples of the beam-bunching frequency (352.21 MHz) for any HOMs whose resonant frequencies are below the cut-off frequency of the beam-pipe.”
Selected technologies Similar to CEBAF/SNS cryomodule concept with 4 cavities per cryomodule Common design for medium (6 cells) and high beta (5 cells) cavities Regulation He valve Vacuum valve Thermal shielding Alignement fiducial Jumper connection Magnetic shielding Spaceframe support Heat exchanger Diphasic He pipe Proton Beam Cavity with Helium tank Intercavities belows Power coupler Cold to warm transition Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Selected technologies Segmented cryomodules 6,6 m long - beam gate valves 4 cavities Power couplers located below the cavities Space frame holding the cavity string Superconducting elliptical cavities : Bulk niobium Stiff cavities to reduce the Lorentz force detuning No HOM couplers RF power coupler: HIPPI type coupler tested up to 1,2MW at 10% DC and pulse length of 2ms New door knob equiped with a bias system and RF trap Tuner HIPPI tuner modified with a second piezo stack for reliability improvement
Compliance with European PED 97/23/EC Cryo pipes designed to reduce the overpressure in case of beam vacuum failure TUV Nord analysis report: The elliptical cryomodules are classified according to PED article 3.3 2 F=100 bursting disks at each extremity continuous diphasic pipe F=100 with large curvatures Volumes of the helium circuits and vessels < 50 l 1,431 bars< Working pressure Ps = 1,9 bars Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Protypes with HOM ports for RF measurement Integration and Verification Two high beta prototype cavities P01 - E. ZANON P02 - RI Protypes with HOM ports for RF measurement Both prototype cavities met the ESS requirements after the first test: very encouraging results! Slight degradation of performances after thermal treatment for hydrogen removing (pollution) Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Calculated with measured shape (HFSS) Dangerous Higher Order Mode close to 1408.8 MHz Both high beta prototype cavities are not conform with the ESS HOM Requirement Reminder: « All higher order modes (HOMs) shall be at least 5 MHz away from integer multiples of the beam-bunching frequency (352.21 MHz) for any HOMs whose resonant frequencies are below the cut-off frequency of the beam-pipe.” 3D measurements of the cavity shape have been performed Shape reconstructed in the simulation software HFSS Slater coefficient analysis which represents frequency sensitivity to volume changes: Design (at 300K) Measured on ESS086-P01 Calculated with measured shape (HFSS) Measured on ESS086-P02 1418.178 1402.254 1403.8 1407.848 1418.674 1404.666 1406.8 1408.258 704 MHz 1421,32 MHz On P01 cavity (from ZANON), a strong internal shape deviation in this dome region (more than 1 mm instead of 0.3 mm) explains very well the frequency decrease of the two dangerous HOM Study under progress on P02 cavity (from RI) Cells reshaping has to be implemented in the fabrication process of future cavities Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Integration and Verification Fundamental power coupler HIPPI power coupler (KEK-type window) tested to 1.2 MW, 10% Duty factor at Saclay Test of the HIPPI power coupler on the HIPPI cavity at 1.8 K, full reflection New design of the doorknob waveguide transition including a HV bias capacitor with RF trap
Integration and Verification Study of the assembling tooling in clean room finalized Training in the new clean room for assembling a HIPPI coupler with the tooling used for the ESS coupler. XFEL cavity string assembly at Saclay. The ESS cryomodules will be assembled in this large clean room. The new “ESS” clean room for the prototype ESS elliptical cryomodules ECCTD is now in Saclay. Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Framework of the cryomodules development and production Two prototype cryomodules: medium beta: M-ECCTD <= FR-SW agreement High beta: H-ECCTD <= CEA FR In Kind Contribution Production of cavities of the series with RF tests: medium beta cavities <= LASA - IT In Kind Contribution High beta cavities <= STFC - UK In Kind Contribution Production of all other components: <= CEA FR In Kind Contribution (including coupler production with RF power processing) Cryomodule assembling : <= CEA FR In Kind Contribution (XFEL assembly infrastructure) RF power tests of the cryomodules <= ESS Lund Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Organization at CEA Saclay WP Cryomodules de série P. Bosland/XXX Tests IPHI B. Pottin Diagnostics F. Sénée Contrôle Commande F. Gougnaud ACCSYS WP3 ACCSYS WP5 Projet ESS / IRFU CdP: P. Bosland Adjoint: A. Daël Project Office planning: X. Hanus ressources: L. Lecourt secrétaire: XX Cellule Qualité A Bruniquel C. Cloué Sécurité O. Kuster Management : Coordination C. Collaboration C. In Kind Review C. ACCSYS WP 3 ACCSYS WP 5 ACCSYS WP 7 ICS WP 6 ICS WP 10 ICS WP 6 / 10 Bunker 352 MHz JP. Charrier ESS - AB ESS - IRFU Technique : Technical Board Responsables Scientifiques G. Devanz D. Uriot O. Piquet Test injecteur M-ECCTD IKC H-ECCTD WP ECCTD F. Peauger Design RFQ RFQ WP RFQ ACCSYS WP7 IRFU reorganization on the 1rst of June 2015: Florence Ardellier: Project Manager Pierre Bosland : Scientific Director 1st April 2015 TAC11
Budget and cost-book
Major Procurements Main procurements for M-ECCTD launched: 6 cavities 6 power couplers Vacuum vessel Toolings Clean room Cryogenic lines and RF wave guides for RF power test stand …. H-ECCTD: Niobium and fabrication of the high beta cavities Cryomodules of the series: Niobium for the elliptical cavities (see LASA and STFC presentation) RF power source for RF conditionning of the couplers of the series RF power couplers Cryostat components Industrial cryomodule assembly Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Top risks Some comments and recommendations for the TAC 1st April 2015: The success oriented schedule presented leaves almost(?) no room for iteration of any of the sub-components or the module itself. Thus an extremely careful self-assessment of technical risks is to be made. there will be no feedback from first cryomodule power testing on the assembly of the following cryomodules, and this is a serious concern The IKC concept for the cryo module and its‘ components requires precisely defined interfaces. Include in all IK negotiations aspects for technical, logistical and contractual issues. Regarding manufacturing geometry accuracy, analysis should be performed to determine the geometric tolerance to escape the HOMs from the harmonics with a minimum spacing of 5 MHz (=> Analysis started and in progress) Annual Review 23rd April 2015
Next Six Months Follow up of the component production for the M-ECCTD prototype cryomodule Test the first medium beta prototype cavity Test the first prototype power coupler Complete and test of the cryogenic line of the RF power test stand at Saclay Development of the Control/command system of the RF power test stand at Saclay Prepare the assembling area of the M-ECCTD outside the clean room Organize and prepare all the In Kind activities at Saclay for the production of the cryomodules of the series
Elliptical cavity cryomodules Summary The design of the elliptical cavities and cryomodules complies with the ESS requirements. The prototype cryomodules M-ECCTD and H-ECCTD will validate the design. The preliminary planning for the design/prototyping and for the production of the elliptical cryomodules has been proposed in compliance with the RFI dates. This planning is success oriented with major risks identified The coordination between the In-Kind partners has to be quickly placed to start the work as soon as possible: Coordination between CEA, CNRS, INFN, STFC and ESS ESS has to establish a "partnership with INFN and STFC, which will permit to make use of the best European competences in the field of SRF".