Defense Mechanisms Processes that operate at unconscious levels that use self- deception or untrue explanations to protect the ego from being overwhelmed by anxiety
1. Rationalization Covering up the true reasons for actions, thoughts, or feelings by making up excuses and incorrect explanations EX: After being turned down for a date to the prom, you realize that you would rather hang out with your friends anyway
2. Denial Refusing to recognize some anxiety-provoking event or piece of information that is clear to others EX: An alcoholic refuses to admit she has a problem
3. Repression Blocking and pushing unacceptable or threatening feelings, wishes, or experiences into the unconscious (could be temporary or long-term) “Forgetting” to go to a dentist appointment Not remembering abuse
& Repression
4. Projection Falsely and unconsciously attributing your own unacceptable feelings, traits, or thoughts to individuals or objects EX: An angry spouse accuses the other spouse of being hostile EX: A spouse who has a desire to cheat accuses the other spouse of having an affair
5. Reaction Formation Substituting behavior, thoughts, or feelings that are the direct opposite of unacceptable ones EX: A person with homosexual impulses claims to hate homosexuals EX: A mother who has an unwanted child becomes overly protective of that child
6. Displacement Transferring feelings about, or response to, an object that causes anxiety to another person or object that is less threatening EX: Angry at his mother, he picks a fight with his girlfriend
7. Sublimation Type of displacement involving redirecting a threatening or forbidden desire, usually sexual, into a socially acceptable one EX: After sexually frustrating experience you lift weights EX: A person with sadistic impulses becomes a dentist
8. Intellectualization Ignoring the emotional aspects of a painful experience by focusing on abstract concepts, thoughts, words, or ideas (form of rationalization) EX: A person told they have cancer asks for details on the probability of survival and the success rates of various drugs EX: A person who is dumped compares his or her situation to literary characters in a detached manner
9. Identification Bolstering self-esteem by forming and imaginary or real alliance with some person or group EX: Joining a fraternity to make up for insecurities EX: Unlucky with the ladies, Danny becomes an ardent Devil’s fan
10. Fantasy Gratifying frustrated desires by imaginary achievements EX: “The girlfriend in Canada” EX: Thinking of a great comeback after the person has left
11. Overcompensation Covering up felt weaknesses by emphasizing some desirable characteristic, or making up for frustration in one area by overgratification in another EX: A short person who picks fights with bigger people EX: Buying a large truck or sports car to cover insecurities
12. Regression Returning to an earlier stage of development EX: Acting like a child when upset EX: A school age child starts wetting the bed when the baby sibling is born