Eureka Leadership Grant Andrea Taylor
Concept The premise of One City, One Source (OCOS) is to inform city employees about what services the library has to offer and have them in turn become library champions by promoting one of the most valuable (and free) resources in Fullerton. If this program proves successful within the city, our intent is to expand it to local businesses.
Goals Increase city employee awareness of the library and of the services it offers Have at least 50% of city employees sign up for library cards Increase our circulation, database usage and program attendance
Process Create and distribute a survey to gather information regarding city employees awareness of their public library Example questions: –If you have used the library, what resources have you used: (Books, Music CDs, Passport services, etc…) –Prior to this survey, were you aware of the mentioned services? –If you could choose, what service would bring you to the library? Just over half of the population had library cards, but were not necessarily for Fullerton Public Library The most common reason for not having an FPL card was that they did not live in the city. Most common answer for what service would bring you to the library : café
Process continued… Contact city department heads to get permission to visit Develop a short (30 minute class) Create handouts to be used when presenting program Create logo in order to “brand” program Schedule the visits Follow – up will include post grant survey
So far….. We have had the opportunity to visit the Fire Department Fire Department –17 classes presented –71 employees seen –51 library cards issued
Upcoming… 3 more departments scheduled with others to follow Follow up survey Unexpected –Interest in Mail-a-Book program for firefighters which may prove a pilot program for us Future Goals?