College Access Network Complete College Idaho Conference October 31, 2012
Idaho Board of Education
The Challenge The United States is losing its status as the world leader in the educational attainment of its citizenry
The Challenge
Students Can Attend Necessary Attainable
College Graduates by Age 26 Young People from High Income Families60% Young People from Low Income Families7% Source: Tom Mortenson, Research Seminar on Public Policy Analysis of Opportunity for Post Secondary, 1997 The Obstacles Completion Rates by Income
Source: American Community Survey Family Incomes of Families with School-Age Children The Obstacles
Post recession 2007: The growth has been in college level jobs
The man-cession has an education dimension
The Premium For Getting A College Degree Has Grown In the Last Thirty Years Because of Rising Demand For College-Level Skills
Cognitive skills on the rise
Demand for Certificates and Degrees is not Keeping Up Almost 20% gap Supply Demand
Access Completion
SBOE Response
Contract with IBE
Survey – Students, Parents, Educators, Stakeholders Focus Groups Design Team Progress to Date
Findings Ability to pay
Findings Ability to pay Lack of financial aid
Findings Ability to pay Lack of financial aid Parental influence
Findings Ability to pay Lack of financial aid Parental influence School counselor/teacher
Recommendations Financial Savings Tool Expanded Use of Existing Resources – Scholarships Database (CIS) Increased Access to Information Communication Strategies
Current Activities Peer & Near Peer Mentoring
Proposed Activities Peer & Near Peer Mentoring Financial Aid Awareness Month
Proposed Activities Peer & Near Peer Mentoring Financial Aid Awareness Month College Application Week
COSSA/KTEC Partners for Prosperity (P4P) Treasure Valley Education Partnerships (TVEP)
Proposed Activities Peer & Near Peer Mentoring Financial Aid Awareness Month College Application Week Clearinghouse of Activities
Questions How do we facilitate communication/coordination of these activities? How much coordination is needed? What tools are available? What’s missing?
Idaho State Board of Education
Questions How do we facilitate communication/coordination of these activities? How much coordination is needed? What tools are available? What’s missing?