Religion Jeopardy The VERY Beginning City of Mecca Government and Rel. Move. Muhammad Yathrib and the Islamic State Final Category
People who inhabited a large peninsula between Asia and Africa Answer
Who are Arabs? 10 Points
Definition of Peninsula Answer
What is a piece of land surrounded on 3 sides by water? 20 Points
Formed when several related families came together. & The leader of the thing that formed when several related families came together. Answer
A tribe and a sheikh 30 Points
How life changed for Arabians in 500 C.E. Answer
Instead of migrating in search of food, they began to settle in oases or fertile valleys. There they built towns and villages. 40 Points
Reason why the Arabian Culture evolved in a unique direction, completely separate from the cultures of other civilizations around them. Answer
How did the remoteness of the Arabians’ villages and the brutal deserts that surrounded them influence their culture? 50 Points
Sea located about 55 miles from Mecca Answer
What is the Red Sea? 10 Points
Surprise! If you get the correct answer, the point value for this question will be doubled.
How its location on the Red Sea influenced the city of Mecca. Answer
What is making it a good location for controlling trade in the region? 20 Points
Sacred building located in Mecca. Answer
What is the Kaaba? 30 Points
The original contents of the sacred building in Mecca. Answer
Engraved images of all the Arabian gods. 40 Points
Way in which the sacred building in Mecca influenced its economy. Answer
What is bringing additional wealth and prosperity to the city. 50 Points
Reason why it was difficult for prosperous Arabian cities to defend themselves. Answer
They did not have a central government. The old tribal governments were no longer sufficient. 10 Points
Two empires the Arabians saw as a threat. Answer
What are the Persian and Byzantine Empires? 20 Points
The belief in one God. Answer
What is monotheism? 30 Points
Arab teachers Answer
What were hanifs? 40 Points
Meaning of Islam Answer
What is “submission to the will of Allah”? Bonus Question: This must be answered for 10 of the 50 points Who is Allah? 50 Points
Muhammad’s first job Answer
What is a caravan leader? 10 Points
One concern Muhammad had about his faith and homeland Answer
What is the greed and wickedness of his people; disparity between the wealthy and the poor; the worship of idols? 20 Points
How people reacted to Muhammad’s message at first Answer
They persecuted him and his followers 30 Points
Reason why the poorer classes were drawn to Muhammad’s message. Answer
Because he taught that the poor and wealthy were equal and that the wealthy should share their means with those who did not have enough. 40 Points
Why did the wealthy merchants of Mecca fear the religion of Islam? Answer
They thought if people didn’t worship idols they wouldn’t visit the Kaaba anymore and the merchants would lose money. 50 Points
Word meaning “great emmigration” Answer
What is Hijrah? 10 Points
Book detailing Muhammad’s revealed teachings and laws Answer
What is the Quran? 20 Points
Yathrib was rename this __________, meaning “The City of the Prophet.” Answer
What is Madinah 30 Points
How did Muhammad change Mecca into the religious capital of the Islamic Nation? Answer
He conquered it. Destroyed the idols. Established the Kaaba as the center of Muslim worship. 40 Points
One way Muhammad changed the course of history Answer
Founded a world religion, created strength within the middle east by united all of the Arabian tribes under one central government. 50 Points
Final Category: Social Studies Vocabulary
One of the sciences of social studies in which someone studies social behavior, its origins, development, organization, and institutions. Answer
What is sociology?