The Life of Julius Caesar
Caesar lived from approximately 100 B.C. to 44 B.C. He was a Roman general and statesman, and a brilliant military leader He made Rome the center of the empire
Caesar had great power and was good at many things, including speaking, politics, and warfare His power was so great that it scared people.
At age 17, marries Cornelia, daughter of Lucien Cornelius Cinna The pair is ordered to divorce, but Caesar refuses and leaves for Greece instead until he is pardoned Cornelia dies 68 B.C.
65 B.C. – elected to direct public works and games 60 B.C. – named as part of the First Triumverate* 59 B.C. – marries Calpurnia *The Triumverate included Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey
58 B.C. campaigns to conquer France – Caesar only loses 2 battles in 9 years – Successfully pushes Germans out of France and invades Britain twice – This causes great celebration in Rome, but not everyone is happy!
Pompey, in particular, is jealous and wants Caesar to give up his army Civil war begins and Pompey is driven out 60 days later, Caesar is master of Italy 49 B.C. – Caesar appoints himself as dictator and consul Caesar chases Pompey into Greece and Egypt, where Pompey is murdered by someone else
During these exploits, Caesar is credited with saying: “I came. I saw. I conquered.”
Pompey’s forces and sons reorganize against Caesar Pompey’s two sons are killed in 45 B.C.
Caesar is given the power of a dictator for 10 years However, when he is offered the crown by Mark Antony, Caesar declines this as he knows that the Romans are distrustful of kings Despite this, people still suspect him of wanting to be king.
This suspicion and distrust leads to a conspiracy against Caesar lead by aristocrats Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Brutus and Cassius are focal points of the play and are men that Caesar believes are his friends.