Back To School Night Second Grade Ms. Mejia’s Class September 25,2014
Overview Introductions Class Rules Homework Policy & Reading Log Math, Reading & Writing Standards Social Studies, Science, & Project Based Projects Assessments Q & A
Class Schedule 8:30-8:45am Morning Meeting 8:45-10:15am Reading & Writing 10:40-10:55 am Recess 1100am-12:10pm Math 12:15-1:00pm Lunch 1:05-1:40pm English Language Development (ELD) 1:45-2:30 Social Studies/Science (Project Based Time) 2:305-3:05pm PE (Mon/Thurs) Art(Tues) Free Time: Centers (Fri) 3:05-3:30pm Afternoon Meeting
Class Rules Character Pillars : Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Citizenship, Caring Goal: To help students be accountable for their own behavior & choices Consequences & Positive Rewards
Consequences 1. Verbal Warning 2. Five minute time reflection time either in class or recess minute time reflection time either in class or recess. Unsatisfactory note sent home minute time out in another classroom or office. Phone call home. 5. Severe behavior problem. Immediate referral to Principal. Possible suspension.
Positive Rewards Lots of verbal praises from Ms. Mejia Positive notes sent home Enjoy class privileges such as Story time, class games, extra recess time Stickers, small treats from Treasure Box
Homework Policy Homework to reinforce what is taught in class. Expected to be completed on a daily basis. Must be finished & done neatly Students are asked to read daily for at least 20 minutes. Time is to be logged on the reading log daily. Turn in following Monday Provide your child with a place for homework & reading. Encourage your child to develop good work habits
Language Arts Houghton Mifflin Reading Standards covered: Spelling Patterns, Syllables, Synonyms & Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words, Compound Words Comprehension Standards : Predicting/Inferring Restating facts & details, Personal Narrative: Beginning/Middle, End, Topic Sentence, Characters/ Setting, Logical
Mathematics Standards Trimester 1 SWUN Lesson Delivery Place Value & Comparing Numbers Skip Counting by 2s, 5,s 10s Adding two & three digit numbers using different addition strategies such as number line, friendly numbers, expanded notation.
Social Studies & Science Alternate subjects every 6 weeks Culminating Project based on student inquiry Social Studies Standards Covered: Communities,Then & Now, Family History, Geography (Maps) Science Standards: Solid, Liquids, Gas
Assessments Informative: White Boards, Exit Tickets, Think, Pair, Share Formative: End of Unit Tests, Projects, Student Writing Portfolios, Rubrics
Parent Involvement Volunteer opportunities in classroom Volunteer opportunities at home
Donations Our class needs the following: White Paper Lysol Wipes Glue Sticks 6 Clipboards White board markers 5 small bags of pasta and beans
Question & Answer I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions. If I do not have an answer for you today I will definitely get back to you.
Closure Upcoming Fieldtrip to Autry Museum on October 16. Need parent volunteers Thank you for coming! Please feel free to reach me at school or via my school address at