Linguistics for Everyone Chapter 5 p.177 20107016 이가은 20107023 황보승민
4. Free and Bound Morphemes Divide the following words into morphemes. Which morphemes are affixes? Which morphemes are free morphemes, and which are bound? legalize legal (free morpheme) + lize (bound, affix-suffix) prescription pre (bound, affix-prefix) + script (free morpheme) + ion (bound, affix-suffix) distaste dis (bound, affix-prefix) + taste (free morpheme)
sportsmanship sports (free morpheme) + man (free morpheme) + ship (bound, affix-suffix) serenity seren (free morpheme) + ity (bound, affix-suffix) ridden rid (free morpheme) + den (bound, affix-suffix) misinformation mis (bound, affix-prefix) + inform (free morpheme) + ation (bound, affix-suffix)