“The Art of Asking” -being prepared, in the “inviting in”, of others. THINK – PREPARE – PLAN CONFERENCE AUGUST Brisbane / Townsville / Queensland. Ric Thompson, Coordinator, Inclusion Works, Townsville, Queensland.
What is Asking ? “ asking is the deliberate and conscious act of approaching others and in so doing seeking an involvement that previously wasn’t there.”
Why Is Asking So Important? Opportunities have been denied. We live in a world of shared interests. All people have gifts, talents and contributions to offer. Interdependence via Roles. Relationships (Repeat X 3 )
Why Is Asking So Important? Some community members are willing and waiting to be asked. 70% of funded participants in the NDIS Trial sites in Australia identified Civic, Social and Community participation as a priority. There is a consequence if we don’t.
Can I Give You A Hand?
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why! Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au
Start With Why ! Why is the art of asking so important in our everyday life and work?
Definition: Community Inclusion “When people experience positive relationships in community, whereby their gifts, talents and contributions are valued, acknowledged, encouraged, supported and rewarded.” Inclusion Works This is not possible without being ask prepared!
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why ! What ! Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au
What the “other” is seeking! “An everyday life, a powerful life”. Full participation with shared support ! What are you asking for ?
Beware of ………… THE BIG ASK!!
Paula & the Young Farmers - A Teachable Moment.
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why! What Who (x2) Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au
1.Who do you ask? 2.Who does the asking? WHO X 2 ?
The World Comprises of 3 Types of People!
People who lead (and have people who follow). People with influence. People who are known and know of others within in their community. People who do what they say they will do. People who care. People who have ongoing tenure within their community. Hot Wires / Power Brokers (X3)
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why. What Who (x2) When/Where Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au
When is the right time, and where is the right place to do the “asking”? The answer is in the room. WHEN AND WHERE ?
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why. What Who (x2) When/Where Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au Safeguard
Managing Threats Through Safeguarding. “Safeguarding is the protection of one’s principles and practices through being consciously aware of what may (and will) go wrong and have strategies in place to reduce the harm or at best remove the harm altogether”.
What 10 things may and will go wrong and what safeguards can you put in place to reduce the harm or eliminate the harm altogether? Consciously Safeguarding !
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why. What Who (x2) When/Where Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au Safeguard
Scenario. “Sally is a young 17 year old vivacious girl, who as a consequence of her label as having Downs Syndrome has spent all her school years attending the local Special School. Sally has indicated to you that she really wants to hang around other girls, her same age, who unlike her were not defined by disability. Sally would really like to join a local Church Youth group. Sally has experienced rejection often and consequently is seeking the assistance of you to fulfil the role of “the Asker”. What would you need to consider?
The 5 Rules of Asking Start with Why. What Who (x2) When/Where Ref: – Information Program – Occasional Papers – No. 3 The Art of Askingwww.cru.org.au Safeguard
Presentation : “The Art of Asking ” THINK / PREPARE / PLAN August How would you rate today’s presentation overall? Poor – – Excellent (Please circle) Comments: 2.What 3 aspects of the presentation did you find most helpful? i) II) III) 3.What aspects did you find least helpful? 4.Other comments: Thank you ! Evaluation
Everything that is, could be otherwise Prof. Germaine Greer July, PTO
I will be ask prepared so as to :- assist Chris to be welcomed, supported, assist Chris to be welcomed, supported, encouraged, acknowledged, and rewarded encouraged, acknowledged, and rewarded as an assistant in the local Bike Repair as an assistant in the local Bike Repair business. Signed: Ric 31/8/2015 business. Signed: Ric 31/8/2015 Reverse of Greer Quote Card.
Townsville North Queensland. Phone: (07)
Worksheet 1. Can you please give me a hand?
When: (What considerations?) - Where: (What considerations?) - Worksheet 2. - When and Where ?
Signed off :Date: / / Worksheet 3 : Sally’s Scenario – 10 Considerations