Owen the Otter By Finn LeSueur
Page one. Owen had just woken up, it was still early in the morning. He looked around at the marvellous view, the sun was just peaking over the horizon of the trees and the lake.
Page two. Elliott wanted to go see his friend, Millie. Millie is a monkey. She lived at the other end of the lake in the trees, way up high. So Elliott decided that he was going to swim down and see her.
Page Three On the way across the lake Elliott met his friend, Hannah the Piranha. Hannah likes to eat meat, But luckily enough for Elliott, Hannah was his friends so he didn’t get eaten.
When they got over to Millie, they decided that they wanted to go down to the other end of the lake. So they could see the people who go around the lake early in the morning on their boat. Page four.
Page five. When they had reached the other end they went for a swim around the boat of people, with Millie on Owen’s back. The people in the boat waved back to them, as they swam around the boat.
Page six. Millie decided that it was time for her to go home. So she went home down the other end of the lake, back into her tree.
Page eight. Owen and Hannah decided that they had had enough swimming and travel for the day so they went home too.
Page nine.