Bella’s Sport & Health Day Tomorrow
All Year Groups Calling all staff and pupils! ALL PUPILS MUST HAVE A CHANGE OF SHOES FOR THE SCHOOL OF SPORT SECTION Ditch your uniform for the day, find your trainers, and come to school in your summer sports gear... There will be various stalls in the hall, games and the school athletics competition for the Sports Champion Award.
New S5/6 Senior Tutor Time There will be no assembly tomorrow during tutor time due to the Whole school Sports and Health Day. Please register in your normal classroom. Polling Clerk Opportunity Final call for anyone who wishes to become a Polling clerk for the Referendum – collect a form from Miss McWaters Locker Keys All Locker keys MUST be returned to Mrs Johnston this week. You can return them to her office at interval or from 1pm – 1.20pm each day. Nail Bar If anyone has any nail polish they no longer need, could you please give it to Mrs Kerr on Wednesday morning. Henna & Nail artists! If any pupil can do Henna art/nail painting and is interested in helping at the stalls on Wednesday, please see Mrs Kerr.
New S4 Work Experience All S4 have now had a lesson with Mr Hamilton on booking your work experience for October. By the end of this week, you MUST have booked a Work Experience placement on the Work IT system. Locker Keys All Locker keys MUST be returned to Mrs Johnston this week. You can return them to her office at interval or from 1pm – 1.20pm each day.
New S3
New S2