Constructivist Learning
The Constructivist Learning Theory The construction (not reproduction) of knowledge. Reflection on previous knowledge. Multiple representations of reality. First hand experience, Secondary sources, Dialogue
Continued: Authentic tasks in meaningful contexts (problem solving). Autonomy in learning – responsibility for their own learning. Lead to alternative viewpoints and critical thinking.
The 4 Principles of Learning: Learners need: Enough previous knowledge and understanding to enable them to learn new things. They need to make links between new and old knowledge. Provision for social interaction and discussion in groups of varying size with and without the teacher.
continued 3. Contexts of learning that are meaningful. 4. The awareness of their own thought processes being promoted.
Mental Activity Without mental activity on the part of the learner it is unlikely that learning will take place. Learning is ACTIVE not passive. The role of the teacher is to recognise the importance of mental activity in learning. For children to learn they need to ‘engage’ with new information and become actively involved with it.
High priority is given to language in intellectual development. Prior knowledge forms the basis of the contribution to the dialogue. Working collaboratively, in pairs or small groups is the socially constructive approach to learning. By sharing methods of working it leads individuals to find the most suitable way for them to solve a problem.
Scaffolding The teacher (generally) supports the development of learning through: Stimulating conversation with groups or individuals. Through discussion The provision of materials Designing tasks Lists of key words Reminders Writing frames
Vygotsky’s Zone ZPD (Zone of proximal development) In this zone children work effectively with scaffolding. ZPD is a theoretical space of understanding which is just above the level of understanding. The place the child will move to next.
LEARNING IS: A process of interaction between what is known and what is to be learnt. A social process. A situated process. Learning that takes place in familiar contexts. A metacognitive process. The recognition of personal learning styles.