The Proof 1 The business case for newspaper advertising as part of the media mix
2 Sam Mitchell Marketing Manager, Philadelphia, UK & Ireland “Philadelphia results across two years show that newspapers are effective at building brand values and delivering a significant return on advertising investment. The combination of strong creative and efficient deployment of media space showed us that newspapers can deliver a strong and immediate consumer response, both in their own right and alongside TV.” Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 The client’s view
3 TV + newspapers drove 26% sales uplift in 2006, then 18.5% and 16% uplifts for the two 2007 bursts. £ value per burst was similar – despite moving to ½ pages and reducing newspaper spend by 2/3rds 2007 short-term sales uplift for people exposed to any newspaper ads was 2½ times the cost of newspaper ad space Up to 92% of incremental sales were influenced by newspaper exposure Newspapers were much stronger than TV at delivering full price sales Unique visitors to recipes section soared by 5292% in Aug/Sep 2007 TV plus newspapers continued to drive brand equity and other key metrics more strongly than TV solus. Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Headline results
4 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers are perfect long-term partners to TV for building brands TV and national newspapers – both print and online formats – are the perfect partnership They are processed in different but complementary ways: TV is more passive, newspapers involve active processing TV and newspapers are heavily consumed in the evening; online newspapers have high daytime access. Media profiles are complementary A second year of brand advertising in newspapers should continue to deliver a strong brand impact, even with reduced newspaper spend and smaller spaces
5 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 The creative work Newspaper creative TV creative Online newspaper creative
6 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Test detail Media Plan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSep£m Media Target Audience: Women aged TV – 30 sec1.2 TV Sponsorship Newspapers0.73 Online NP0.1 Research Dates Millward Brown Pre-wave 1 Post wave 2 Pre-wave 1 Post wave 2 Research sample: Women 25 – 64, not allergic to dairy products Media Source: NMR/BARB/NRS 305 TVRs Campaign objectives To convince lapsed and occasional users that Philadelphia brings a simple touch of inspiration to many everyday meals 427 TVRs 518 TVRs 219 TVRs 239 TVRs
Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 7 The findings
8 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 TV + newspapers drives sales uplift 28 day sales effect Apr – May 2006Mar – Apr 2007Aug – Sep 2007 £ Incremental sales+26.1%+18.5%+16.0% £ Index versus Newspaper Activity63 x full page30 x half page24 x half page TV Activityc. 281 TVRsc. 305 TVRsc. 427 TVRs TV Laydown strategyWeek on – Week offContinuous burst
9 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspaper advertising influences up to 92% of sales uplift Source: TNS Worldpanel Incremental Philadelphia sales due to advertising, by media exposure 28 day sales effect TV + NP TV solus NP solus 75% 48% 92% Apr/May % 61% 25% 35% 13% 52% 43% 49% 8% Mar/Apr 2007Aug/Sep 2007
10 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers alone drive 43% of extra sales Sales increase due to NP solus exposure 28 day sales effect Share of total incremental sales due to advertising Sales increase, NP solus 43% +23.4% 35% +19.7% 14% +15.4% Apr/May 2006 Mar/Apr 2007 Aug/Sep 2007 Source: TNS Worldpanel
11 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers deliver full price sales Source: TNS Worldpanel Newspaper solusTV solus Incremental Sales % normal price vs on promotion
12 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers drive web traffic Uplift in UV web traffic Aug – Sep 2007 Source: Sophus 3
13 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 TV + Newspapers boost bonding Brand Dynamics Equity Analysis Post-wave Sep 2007 % points change on pre-wave TV solusTV + Newspapers Bonding Advantage Performance Relevance Presence
14 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers drive purchase consideration Brand Commitment Likelihood to choose Pre to post % points increase – Top 2 box % 2006 TV solus TV + NP 2007 Pre-Apr to Post-Sep Any NP
15 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Adding newspapers shifts brand image Brand Image Can be used as an ingredient in cooking Pre-post % points change in endorsing Kraft Philadelphia TV solusTV + NPAny NP Pre-Apr to post-Sep 2007Pre-post
16 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers enhance TV ad engagement Norm: 698 TV ads -+-+ Added effect of NP Recognise any TV Recognise TV + NP Millward Brown – TV Involvement Diagnostics
17 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspaper ads highly engaging Millward Brown – TV Involvement Diagnostics +19 Norm: 698 TV ads -+-+ Added effect of NP Recognise any TV Recognise any NP
18 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers improve response to TV Response to TV ads, Sep 07 % agreeing 48 TV solusTV + NP Added impact of Newspapers MB UK norm - % Contained new information Points made were relevant Contained different information Made me more likely to use Philadelphia Made brand more appealing
19 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers boost emotional connection Advertising measures, Sep 07 – Brand values Helps me to connect and identify more strongly* Top Box – agree strongly %
20 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Newspapers provoke strong re-appraisal Advertising measures, Sep 07 – Re-appraisal Surprising and gets me to think differently* Top Box – agree strongly %
21 Kraft Philadelphia Year 2 Call to action up 150% when multiple newspaper executions added Advertising measures, Sep 07 – Call to action Gives me a reason to go out and buy* Top Box – agree strongly %