1 Promotion & Tenure Process Thoughts NFTS Meeting 18 May 2004
2 Blame Ron! He wanted this discussion I realize you've probably all heard it before Don't shoot the messenger
3 Flow Chart Dossier Dept. Comm. Dept. Chair External Reviews Ltrs. of Support S/C Comm. Dean Campus Comm. Provost, Chanc.
4 First Hurdle Is Department May be most difficult Material needed here is needed everywhere Attention to detail A wonderful attribute not described doesn't exist Write well
5 External Reviewers: Important Play critical role Usually chosen by Department Committee or Chair You can suggest –People qualified –Areas they should know Need plenty of them
6 Letters Of Support Encouraged Not Decisive Wide range helps Co-authors can give emphasis to impact of research
7 Department Committee Vote May be unusual In final analysis: –Will vote for you if they feel you are an asset to the Department
8 You Get Tenure &/Or Promotion Because You Are Mobile! If you are attractive to other Universities, you're also attractive to UMR Attraction: Primarily research work & grants; reputation of your publications
9 But You Need To Be Good At Teaching! Taken very seriously at UMR Let's return to this later
10 Department Committee Advises Department Chair Chair's letter can be a big help –Explain things –Emphasize key points of External Reviewers You'd rather, of course, not need any explanations
11 Dean Gets Help Next School or College Committee Likely to have broader view than Department Committee Probably pays more attention to external Again, if you'd be wanted by others, OK
12 Dean Makes Recommendation Letter from Dean can clarify any confusion in process so far Sometimes helpful in conveying a very positive tone
13 Campus Committee Is Next Take job seriously Appear to look for "did candidate exceed the 'expected value'"? Very cognizant of publication records Careful in examining research & grants Strong on teaching
14 My Views On Class Scores Atypical of Committee Think that if course is hard and you insist that students learn and it's required, you're likely to get poor scores But some Profs DO get good ones, so…
15 Help For Low Scores Inputs from graduates can help See things now from more mature view Reflect back on what they learned, rather than what they liked
16 Reliance On Student "Scores" I think we rely on them too heavily Perhaps peer reviews when they are low would help But, again, we need to evaluate what students learn, not what they like
17 NFTS Program NFTS should help –Contacts –Examples –Ideas But what works in one context doesn't always work in others Situations are different
18 Service Haven't said much yet More like a hurdle than a big factor? There is an "expected" level - Chair sets expectations Significant service can be a plus Work with Prof. Societies can help in multiple ways
19 Summary You need Research, Teaching, & Service to get tenure and/or promotion Quality research is hardest to establish, so it often becomes most important Teaching is also important -- it really is! –You may be able to do extra well in some courses Service is necessary. Unless exceptionally weak, you'll probably be OK