AASHTO RAC Annual Meeting July 26, 2012 Administration Task Force
Stephen Pepin, Skip Paul, co-chairs Allison Hardt Moy Biswas Amy Schutzbach Rodney Montney Clinton Adler Barnie Jones Members
Cynthia Gerst Dawn Vanlandingham Chris Hedges George Colgrove Ron Curb Members
Completed revisions to RAC 101 Distributed RAC 101 to RAC members via requesting new members to send requests for additional info Delivered RAC 101 at annual meeting Forty-one Research Unit Fact Sheets posted to date Reviewed Regional Guidelines for consistency with RAC O.G. Accomplishments
Continue update on RAC 101; add funding NCHRP (task 324) NCHRP role in funding AASHTO products - ongoing Developed SCOR 101; in review by RAC; looking for approval next Leadership call Developed one page highway research flow chart with relationships between AASHTO, FHWA, TRB, etc.; in review by RAC; looking for approval next Leadership call Goals and Activities
Develop standard format for TF reporting to RAC Working on research funding guide with FHWA Review and revise SCOR/RAC web site Goals and Activities
George Colgrove Ron Curb Help Wanted - Welcome
NRAC winter and summer meetings Conference calls: 4 th Tuesday every month Scheduled Meetings