Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project NHPRC Electronic Records Research Grant Kevin L. Glick Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Eliot Wilczek Robert Dockins Digital Collections and Archives, Tufts University SCOPA The Standing Committee on Professional Awareness Yale University Libraries March 31, 2006
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Introduction Project Goals Project Participants Project Funding
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Introduction Requirements for Recordkeeping & Preservation Conceptualization of Ingest Conceptualization of Maintenance Fedora Analysis and Development Overall Plan of Work
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Ingest Guide Negotiate Submission Agreement Transfer and Validate Ingest Guide
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Ingest Guide Establish Relationship Define Project Collect Information and Assess Value of Records Assess Record Types Assess Formats Assess Identifier Rules Assess Copyright Assess Access Rights Assess Recordkeeping System Assess Feasibility Finalize Submission Agreement Negotiate Submission Agreement
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Ingest Guide Create and Transfer SIP Validate Transform and Attach Metadata Formulate AIPs Assess AIPs Formally Accession Transfer and Validate
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Ingest Projects
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Ingest Guide Carefully documents accessioning Regularizes decision-making steps Semi-automated & Scaleable Arsenal of Resources Using the Ingest Guide
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Maintain Guide What is Maintenance Collaboration Contract for Services Overview
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Maintain Guide Scheduled Event Types Irregular Event Types Maintain Guide
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Maintain Guide Incremental Backup of Administrative Metadata Full Backup of Administrative Metadata Full Backup of Records Components Store Verify AIP Consistency Verify Records Components Check Access and Retention Status Report on Media Life Hardware Tests and Maintenance Window Security Audit Scheduled Event Types
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Maintain Guide Digital Object Accession Retrieval Request Query Request Metadata Update Request Format Transform Request Remove Record Component Request Preservation Application Hardware Environment Replacement New AIP Format and/or New Preservation Application New Records Component Store Add Additional Representation Information Change Standard Computing Platform Irregular Event Types
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Maintain Guide Refresh Records Components Media Respond to Checksum Failure Respond to Media Failure: Records Component Store Respond to Data Loss: Record Component Store Respond to AIP Consistency Failure Respond to Media Failure: Administrative Metadata Store Respond to Data Loss: Administrative Metadata Store Respond to Unintentional Data Damage Respond to Security Breach Irregular Event Types (cont.)
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation A software framework for building applications A “philosophy” about digital assets A collaborative community What is Fedora?
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation A finished application Provides pieces to assemble into complete applications What is Fedora not ?
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Atomic Unit is “Digital Object” Digital Objects Contain “Datastreams” Have “Disseminators” that contain “Methods” Relationships to other objects, forming network Fedora Object Model
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Datastreams = Instance Fields Disseminators = Interfaces Disseminator Methods = Object Methods Relationships = Object References/Pointers Fedora & Object Oriented Programming
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation No! Fedora only a framework for building applications Is Fedora a Records Preservation Application?
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Short answer: Yes, with some work Long answer: Provides good basis for storage & delivery Additional services needed to help support preservation activities and manage restrictions and disposition Can Fedora support a records preservation application?
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Provide additional services to support records preservation and management Become highly reliable Storage Uptime and Access Fedora Improvements to Satisfy Maintain Guide
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Integrate with identity management systems EASY Integrate administrative data with automated actions and access restrictions MODERATE Richer support for action tracking MODERATE Confidential Destruction of records components HARD Services Fedora Needs
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Fedora Evaluation Consistency testing, error discovery/recovery MODERATE High uptime features HARD Reliability Features
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project MSSA Yale University & DCA Tufts University SCOPA March 31, 2006 Conclusions & Future Directions Generalizable Findings Development of Tools Reassessment of Yale University Archives Future Research Projects?
Fedora and the Preservation of University Electronic Records Project NHPRC Electronic Records Research Grant Kevin L. Glick Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Eliot Wilczek Robert Dockins Digital Collections and Archives, Tufts University SCOPA The Standing Committee on Professional Awareness Yale University Libraries March 31, 2006 Thank You