A partnership between Spartanburg County Public Schools and USC Upstate
“In selecting future Yale students, I am inclined to believe that the person who gives every ounce to do something superbly has an advantage over the person whose capacities may be great but who seems to have no desire to stretch them to their limit.” --Kingman Brewster, former President of Yale University
The Scholars Academy Mission To attract and graduate students with a life-long passion for learning and compassion for others, and enable them to translate academic study and personal concern into effective leadership and action in their communities and the world.
Three Program Components Academics Community Service Leadership Peace Park Ambassadors, Rotary International
The Scholars Academy … Offers college classes & advanced high school classes. Is for Grades You must enter in Fall of 9 th grade. Allows you to… Earn all high school graduation units in 3 years. Earn about 60 college credits (2 years of college). …and still participate in your own school’s extra curricular activities, sports, clubs, etc.
Cost USC Upstate Spartanburg County School Districts *Ask your district of the cost to you. Founded in 2007
Governance Executive Board –University administrators –School district administrators Advisory Board –School district administrators (7) –Director –Professors –Parents –Students
Awarded $8 million in scholarships! 51 Graduates Cohorts 1, 2, 3 4 early graduates !
130 students 7 Districts 13 schools 42 professors 3 program staff
Requirements Attend Spartanburg County Public School in Districts 1-7 for grades Maintain A’s & B’s in all courses.
Typical Academic Profile: Score 50+ each section PSAT Successful Algebra I student Prof./ Adv. PASS MAP – above grade level High academic achiever Self-motivated Academically driven
Typical Personal Profile: Wide range of interests and pursuits both in and out of school Intellectually curious; a creative thinker Seeks and thrives on challenge Able to work independently Mature Parent support
Ryan Smith Boiling Springs High School Class of 2014
Daily Schedule 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. 3 classes MWF, TTh Honors/AP/Dual Credit (college credit) 12-12:30 p.m. Lunch at USC Upstate 12:30 p.m. Return to home school Take at least one class there. Participate in extra-curriculars.
The First 2 Years… classes only with Scholars will have classes with regular college students in 11 th & 12 th grade classes held in Scholars Academy classrooms second floor Library building
Fall Algebra II Honors/Geometry Honors English I or II Honors US History 105 Freshman Seminar Spring Algebra II/Geometry Honors or Precalculus 126 English II or III Honors US History 106 Freshman Seminar Freshmen
Fall Precalculus 126 or 127 Biology 101 or Physics 101 or Chemistry 101 English III or IV Honors Spring Precalculus 127 or Calculus 141 Biology 101 or Chemistry 101 or Physics 101 AP English Language and Composition Sophomores
Fall Calculus 141 Government 101 Physics 101 or Chemistry 101 Foreign Language, Psychology, Music, Computer Science Spring Calculus 142, Calculus 241, Electives Physics 201, Biology 102, Chemistry 111 World History 102 AP English Literature and Composition Juniors
Fall Calculus 241 Foreign Language, Computer Science, Electives Human Anatomy, Microbiology, Genetics, Astronomy, Physics 211 Spring Foreign Language, Economics, Computer Science, Electives Human Anatomy, Microbiology, Genetics, Astronomy, Physics 212 Statistics 315, Political Science Seniors
Courses to take at your school PE Computer Applications Foreign Language (1 st year at least) Electives Fine arts
50-70 college credits earned in four years. Dalton Fowler, Cohort 1, Chapman High School
Will these credits transfer to another college? YES subject to policy of individual colleges on: transfer credits dual credits pre-matriculation credits Transcript from the University of South Carolina
Requirements of Top Universities in regard to dual credit College Courses at The Scholars Academy are: -- taken on a college campus -- taught by college professors who are regular members of the university faculty -- real college courses offered to regular college students in the course catalog -- part of the regular curriculum of the college
AP versus Dual Credit “Students who take one or more college courses at another American college or university prior to their enrollment at Duke can have the courses recorded on their academic record and receive AP-like credit for them.” “...advanced placement (AP), international baccalaureate (IB), and pre-matriculation course work…These three types of pre-college work are regarded as equivalent…” --Duke University
What Colleges Are Looking For “The single most important document in your application is your high school transcript, which tells us a great deal about your academic drive and performance over time. We look for students who have consistently taken a broad range of challenging courses in high school and done well.” “…interested to see that you have challenged yourself with difficult coursework, and have done well.” “…it is very important that we see a high level (or an improving degree) of rigor and success throughout your high school years.” --Yale University
Academic Support Mentors Tutors Supplemental Instructors Study Sessions Freshmen Seminar University Writing Center University Math Lab Youth Leadership Institute
Youth Summer Leadership Institute at USC Upstate
Organizations Student Council PTSO Chess, Art, Philosophy, Photography Clubs Junior Leadership Spartanburg Interact Club Literary Magazine Honor Roll
Community Service Projects “Think Globally; Act Locally.”
Academic Leadership: Sharing Our Knowledge
Selection Process Calendar 2014 Feb. 7, 2014: Completed student applications due to USC Upstate. When we receive your application, we will send you a card of receipt. February: Student candidates selected for interviews. March: Student/parent interview. April: Candidates chosen and notified.
The Application: Part A –General Personal Info (1 page) Part B –Essay; open response questions; extra- curricular activities (4 pages)* Academic Recommendation (2 pages) Personal/Community Recommendation (2 pages) Counselor’s Report (1 page)
Mailing Address Melissa DeLoach, Director, The Scholars Academy University of South Carolina Upstate 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC by February 7, 2014
For more information… Contact Melissa DeLoach Office 224 Library
“Let knowledge increase, let life be perfected.” Crescat scientia, vita excolatur