West Virginia Institute for 21st Century Leadership Day Two Personal and Workplace Productivity Skills
Leadership is about change Leadership is about change. It’s about taking people from where they are now to where they need to be.
21st Century Wheel of Learning
Personal and Workplace Productivity Skills The student will exhibit leadership, ethical behavior, respect for others, accept responsibility for personal actions considering the impact on others; take the initiative to plan and execute tasks; and interact productively as a group.
Top 10 Qualities/Skills Employers Seek Communication Skills (verbal & written) Honesty/Integrity Teamwork Skills Interpersonal Skills Motivation/initiative Strong Work Ethic Analytical and Organizational Skills Technology Skills Embrace Diversity Creative Minds
Life Skills Leadership Ethics Accountability Adaptability Personal productivity Personal responsibility People skills Self-direction Social responsibility Social Etiquette
Empowerment Engagement Leadership Development Goal Setting Social Etiquette Team Work Citizenship
“It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about “It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau
Ice Scraping What are we busy about
Relationships Relevance Rigor
Are your students engaged Are your students engaged? Would you want to be a student in any teacher’s class in your school? Who are your most dynamic teachers?
Ferris Beuller’s Day Off Instructional Strategies Ferris Beuller's Day Off
Do you lead your students to the water and make them drink or do you try harder to make them thirsty? -Master Teacher
Dead Poet's Society - Carpe Diem
“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship “No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.” James Comer
Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell
What does 21st learning and teaching look like?
Virtual Trip to the Sweetest Place on Earth Virtual Field Trip Virtual Trip to the Sweetest Place on Earth
Transformation begins with a change of heart, not a program…
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were when we created them. Albert Einstein