THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE 44th ABMTS OF AIM-IRS AUGUST 6-9, 2013 Las Vegas, NV Darwin K Eldridge, Presenter
Objectives By the close of this learning experience, you should be able to: Identify where change begins, Identify the stages habits move through, and Recite and explain the 7 habits of highly effective people
Where Change Begins Inside-Out: Change Starts from Within Changing Inside Behavior is not effective Requires a Paradigm shift from Personality Ethic to Character Ethic
Where Change Begins Personality Ethic Personality traits Skills Techniques Positive Attitude These are secondary traits.
Where Change Begins Character Ethic—collection of habits Integrity Courage Justice Patience These are Primary Traits.
Stages of our Habits Dependence—birth paradigm Independence—our personal care paradigm Interdependence—cooperation paradigm to achieve a goal.
Private Victory Self Mastery It is achieving the private victories to move from dependence to independence. Is Rooted in your personal mission
Habit 1—Be Proactive Assessing the situation and developing a positive response for it. Act or Be Acted upon Your Sphere of Concern vs. Your Sphere of Influence
Habit 2—Begin with the End in Mind Begin today with the paradigm of the end of your life as your frame Behaviors of today and the future are determined by what the end will be There are two creations to everything—mental and physical
Habit 3—Put First Things First Determine the Urgency and Importance of things Learn when and how to say, “NO” Gofer vs. Stewardship Delegation
Public Victory Follows the Private Victory Fosters Effective Interdependence by Independent people Embodies the Principles of Interpersonal Leadership
Habit 4—Think Win/Win Win/Win Win/Lose Lose/Win Lose/Lose Win Win/Win or No Deal
Habit 5—Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Diagnose Before You Prescribe Understanding and Perception Then Seek to be Understood One on One
Habit 6—Synergize The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Fishing for the Third Alternative Negative Synergy Valuing the Differences
Habit 7—Renewal—Sharpen the Saw Four Dimensions: Physical Spiritual Mental Social/Emotional
CONCLUSION Now that we have completed this learning experience, you should be able to: Identify where change begins, Identify the stages habits move through, and Recite and explain the 7 habits of highly effective people.