Living Word Bible Study Faithful Politics – The American Experiment Review –What did the Founders believe about the role of religion in public life? This new democracy was essentially a gamble that people could effectively rule themselves. The success of this endeavor was directly tied to the moral integrity of the nation as a whole. Theistic religion and Christianity in particular were the best way to insure the integrity of the people, and thus the success of the Nation. Thus, Religion was not just tolerated in public and political life, but essential. However, the best way to insure the success of religion within a nation is to allow it be freely practiced. The government should neither attempt to impose a particular religion on the people, nor restrict them from practicing their religion.
Living Word Bible Study Faithful Politics – A Christian Nation (?) Question: Do we need to return to our “Christian Heritage”? –What do we mean by that? Force Christian Faith upon people? Reflect the Christian Faith in our laws? –Do we really mean that we are abandoning decency, morality, honor, the work ethic? –If so, how can we address this problem?
Living Word Bible Study Faithful Politics – The role of the Church Question: How can we address the moral decay in our society? –What is the cause of moral decay in our society? Media, Secular Elite, Materialism, Individualism? In the end, is it not morally flawed (sinful) individuals who are at the heart of the problem? –Who’s job is it to address the root cause of our problems (sin), the State or the Church? Can the government transform people, and “save” them from their sin? So if we have an epidemic of immorality in our society is it not the church who has failed in its mission, and also is it not only the Church who has a hope of addressing the fundamental problem?
Living Word Bible Study Faithful Politics – The Role of the State Question: If the basic moral failings of our society should be addressed by the Church, not the State, then what role (if any) does the State play? Roles of the state –Administer Justice –Protect Peace –Defend the Nation –What else?
Living Word Bible Study Faithful Politics – A Christian Nation (?) Question: Has America ever been a “Christian Nation”? What is your definition of “Christian Nation”? Official Religion –America has never had and official religion. –Citizenship has never been contingent upon religious participation. Percentage of population –There have been large percentages of the population who call themselves Christian, including today. General Moral Foundations –Is much of American and in fact Western Law is based upon general Biblical principles? (Judeo-Christian Ethic)