Halloween is day eve of all saints. It is celebrated on October 31. This holiday celebrated in the U.S., but in Russia it is not very common.
History of Halloween is thousands of years. This is Celtic tradition celebration of evil spirits. The only day in the year when the spirits of the dead can return to Earth.
All over Europe this night marks the transition to winter. It was believed that at this time the souls of the dead visiting their original homes to get warm by the fire. They go around, collecting donations of food and drink in the other family members.
That night all the people dress up in costumes witch or demon and organize masquerades. Symbol of Halloween - a pumpkin head.
Superstitious people scared to go out on a night out. Preparing for this special flashlight. Usually it is made from a pumpkin, but you can do that from the turnip or a large melon.
Term Trick-or-treat was first used in the United States. In Russian it is translated as money or your life
The tradition is based on the well known legend of Bloody Mary, which today has become a popular urban legend. This divination was that the young girls were in the dark house up the stairs backwards and hold a candle in front of a mirror. After that, the mirror must have seemed the face of her future husband, but she could see in the mirror of the skull - which meant that she would die, never having married.