Secrets to Success for Implementing Hyperion Planning Erica Harris and Karen Botting Environment Waikato
Erica Harris Senior Oracle DBA at Environment Waikato Worked with Oracle Database since version 7 Worked with Hyperion infrastructure since version 8.3 Secretary of New Zealand Oracle Users Group
Karen Botting Management accountant at Environment Waikato Lead for implementation of Hyperion Planning
Agenda What is Environment Waikato? Why Hyperion Planning? What is the LTCCP? What worked well What could have been done better What to remember
What is Environment Waikato? The regional council for the Waikato region. The region contains nationally important electricity generation facilities and an internationally significant dairy sector. Home to iconic natural features which are key tourist attractions.
What is Environment Waikato? Environment Waikato’s responsibilities include: sustainable management of natural and physical resources, including pest control. planning regional growth and transport, and providing bus services. civil defence, emergency response, navigation safety, dam safety, flood management, erosion control and road safety.
Why Hyperion Planning? Oracle Financial Analyzer desupported and obsolete Briefly tried a product from another vendor Required a more sophisticated product to support production of the LTCCP (Long Term Council Community Plan)
What is the LTCCP? 10 year plan produced every three years A plan of the activities EW intends to fund and provide Driven by the work EW is legally required to do and the outcomes the community considers important Aims to balance protecting the environment, social and cultural wellbeing and economic activity for present and future generations
Hyperion Planning Implementation: 5 to 6 months in 2008 Included setup of infrastructure as well as development of the cubes, forms and business rules Collaboration between Environment Waikato and Indigo NZ Upgraded September 2009
What Worked Up front decision that Environment Waikato would have primary responsibility for the system long term Partnership with Indigo Expectations mostly explicit and reasonable
What Worked Stable teams from EW and Indigo Good support from Indigo - s and phone calls returned in timely fashion; issues also resolved! Regular presence of Indigo on site for face to face discussions and work
What Worked Project methodology Infrastructure setup Devl/test/live environments - one physical server and seven virtual servers; try things out in devl
What Worked Integration with LDAP server Groups for provisioning and for object access Workspace PlanningIR Shared Services
What Worked Training - management accountants had access to the system very early on Training - application training for management accountants and system administrator Training - end users had hands-on training buddied with management accountants Training - system administrator training early on
What Worked Communication of changes to end users - prepared for changes Feedback requested and received Dedicated resource for reporting - not one of the management accountants
What Worked Business processes - definition Forms and task lists built from the point of view of how they would be used by the end users
What Could Have Been Done Better Timeframe Terms – definition of Business rules – development and definition
What Could Have Been Done Better Expectations Resourcing - lack of dedicated staff Reporting - no requirements definition
What Could Have Been Done Better Forms and task lists Security
What Could Have Been Done Better Front end capabilities Roles
What Could Have Been Done Better Performance - forms Performance - servers Synchronisation of devl/test/live environments
What to remember Lead in - as much as you can get Resourcing - dedicated resources for cube development Training - as much as you can get at all levels Infrastructure - resource appropriately; don’t skimp Ask questions Define expectations Define requirements and review as project progresses