STATUS OF MUV1 SCINTILLATORS Vladimir Rykalin IHEP, Protvino NA62 meeting Mainz University, September 6, 2011
Mainz, September 6, 2011 Outline Some data on produced scintillating strips New Construction of melting forms and the first results Influence of strip thickness fluctuations on amplitude resolution Our plans on modification of melting forms Time schedule of strip delivery at Mainz
Mainz, September 6, 2011 Some data on produced scintillating strips (all 142 at IHEP now) # formTotal strip number Strip number t < 9.2 mm / Output % Strip number t > 10.7 mm / Output % Strip number 9.2 < t < 10.7 / Output % Strip number t > 9.2 mm / Output % /71 4/29 0/0 4/ /68 1/3 9/29 10/ /71 0/0 4/ /44 7/22 11/34 11/ /14 1/7 11/79 12/ /71 1/7 3/21 4/ /27 5/33 6/40 11/73 6’ 5 0/0 1/20 4/80 5/100 7’ 3 0/0 2/70 1/30 3/100 6’ + 7’ 8 0/0 3/40 4/50 8/100 All forms /50 22/14 53/36 75/53
Mainz, September 6, 2011 New Construction of melting forms and the first results O Old form Old form
Mainz, September 6, 2011 New Construction of melting forms and the first results New form
Mainz, September 6, 2011 New Construction of melting forms and the first results New form
Influence of strip thickness fluctuations on amplitude resolution Distribution of mean thickness values for 12 strips on 17 points along strip length Mainz, September 6, 2011
Influence of strip thickness fluctuations on amplitude resolution Include of thickness fluctuation in amplitude resolution makes less 2% at 10% resolution level connected with fluctuation of photoelectron number. At 5% double MIP loss the tail from single MIP spectra makes 5%. Shift of single MIP spectra on 10% to the right increases the tail up to 10%. Therefore single/ double separation will change negligibly.
Mainz, September 6, 2011 Our plans on modification of melting forms Up to next week we should have 6 forms for beginning of strip mass production- 3 new form (modified #6, #7and #1 forms), form # 3 which gives 100% output strips of mm. ● We plans to modified form # 2 and to assemble 6 new forms in September too.
Mainz, September 6, 2011 Time schedule of strip producing There are two scenario on time schedule: Optimistic - at first from 12 of September we will use 6 melting form, then from beginning of October it will used all 12 form with power producing around 80 strips/week. In this case all 1170 scintillating strips can be delivered up to end of December 201. Pessimistic – in this, more real variant, all 1170 strips will be delivered up to end of January 2012.