James Brown By: Jazmine ThreeIrons Due:11/19
James Brown before the music. James Brown’s mother left him with his father at the age of 4. A couple of years later his father left him to be raised by his aunt named Honey. James Brown had to drop out of school because the lack of clothes he had.
James Brown finding music. He found that he was into music when he went to prison as a teenager for stealing. James brown was raised in a brothel. He started a gospel group in prison. After prison he joined a band called “the five royals” later changed to “the famous Flames”
James brown was very dominant in the group and always tried to out play the vocalist in the group.
James Brown and the Famous Flames o He was known as the hardest man of show business. o James brown and the famous Flames debouted with “Please Please Please”. o This song doubted 1956, the same year as Elvis Presley. It reached number #6 on the R&b charts.
The band James brown at one point had 5 drummers. James Brown and his band performed at the Ed Sullivan show. The only way James would perform was with his band. James had back up singers, dancers and musicians.
This simple hand movement meant you were losing money. The band had to have their full attention to him because if he made a movement the band had to make a sound for it and if you missed, he knew it.
The March Against Fear The march against fear was a movement for the black community. James Brown was told by people in the music business not to get involved publicly. James brown didn’t want to sit back and watch this happen to his community.
James brown had to make sure he was always ready. He made sure his band was ready as well. Soon the band had to wear suits on the bus when traveling.
Please Please Please 0:00 – James Brown enters with only vocals and chorus. 0:01-0:02 - The drummer enters with one note. 0:03-0:06 - The rest of the band enter with James vocals. 0:06 - The back-up singers enter at the same paste – Polyphony. 0:43-1:22 -This highlighted the part of the saxophone. The rest of the band played as back up. 1:23-3:40 – The song continues as a triple meter 3:41-3:55 - The music starts to descending and comes to a complete stop.
Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m proud. ts/mp ts/mp :00-0:03 - James enters with the Chorus and the Drummer. 0:03 – The Saxophone enters the beat. 0:04 – The Bass enters the rhythm 0:06 – The Back up singers enters Polyphony 0:13-0:38 – The 1 st Verse. The band continues with the duple meter. 0:39-0:50 – The chorus comes back in with the back up singers 0:51-1:08 – The 2 nd verse comes in with the duple meter 1:09-1:23 The chorus 1:24-1:44 The 3 rd verse 1:45-1:53 the chorus 1:53 – 2:13 the 4 th verse 2:24-2:30 the chorus 2:30-2:55 The rhythm starts to descend.
Cold Sweat (part 1) 0:00-0:05 – the vocalist does the triple meter. 0:06-0:11 – The vocalist counts down for the band to start. 0:12-0:18 – The band enters with the triple meter. 0:19-1:23 – The 1 st verse 1:24-1:31 emphasizes the triple meter. 1:32-2:54 -The 2 nd verse 2:55-3:03 – It starts to descend with saxophone lead.
James Brown will always be remembered as The Godfather of Soul and the creator of Funk.