After successful completion of 3 Units in this Lesson, you will be able to answer: 1.What is the role of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in plant nutrition in general, and in sorghum crop in particular? 2.What is the recommended rate and method of nitrogen application to sorghum? 3.What is the recommended rate and method of phosphorus application to sorghum? 4.How do you decide whether to apply potassium or not? 5.What is the recommended rate and method of application of potassium to sorghum? Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition
The 3 Units in this Lesson are: Unit 1: Nitrogen Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Unit 3: Potassium Nutrition Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition After successful completion of this Unit, you will be able to answer: 1.What is the role of phosphorus in plants? 2.How phosphorus application is important for sorghum crop? 3.Why entire phosphorus application is applied as basal dose? 4.What is the method of phosphorus application to sorghum? 5.Which potassic fertilizer is useful to sorghum crop and why?
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Phosphorus is essential to provide energy for the growth and development of sorghum plants. Phosphorus is to a plant what wheels are for a car. As a car cannot run on flat tyre even if the petrol tank is full, without phosphorus plant cannot grow even nitrogen supply is in plenty. Phosphorus availability helps in increased efficiency of nitrogen use by plants.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Sorghum plants take phosphorus from seedling stage up to grain filling stage. So, phosphorus should be available to plants through out their growth. Also, phosphorus uptake was found to increase with increased availability of nitrogen. Many soils in sorghum-growing areas in India have shown to be deficient in phosphorus.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition About kg of phosphorus (P 2 O 5 )/ha has been recommended for different sorghum-growing regions in India. However, it is a good practice and also economical to apply phosphorus based on soil- test recommendations. Entire phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) should be applied at the time of sowing along with nitrogen fertilizer as phosphorus is not lost due to leaching.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Furrow placement or side dressing is the best method of phosphorus application in the soil. This method of application minimizes the fixation of phosphorus in the soil. Phosphorus fixation means unavailability of phosphorus for plants’ use. Furrow placement
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Side Dressing of phosphorus fertilizer
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition Unit 2: Phosphorus Nutrition Sorghum seeds are sensitive to fertilizer burn. Do not apply fertilizer in the furrow with the seed nor over the row after sowing. Single super phosphate is a good source of phosphorus as it also contains calcium (19.5%), sulphur (12.5%) in addition to phosphorus (16%). Super phosphate also contains zinc and magnesium in traces.
With this, the Unit 2 on Phosphorus Nutrition in this Lesson concludes. The next Unit in this Lesson is about potassium nutrition in sorghum. Select Unit 3 in Lesson 2 from Module V contents Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Lesson 2. Importance of Primary Nutrients Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module V: Sorghum Plant Nutrition