Poetry is FUN Poetic Forms
Concrete Poem This form of poetry has been around since the 1500s. It was originally called “Pattern Poetry” or “Shape Poetry.” The term “Concrete Poem” was coined in the 1950s. Present an idea graphically by using the letters and/or words to create a picture
Form If you remove the form of the poem, you weaken the poem. In some (though not all) Concrete Poems, the form contains so much significant meaning of the poem that, if you remove the form of the poem, you destroy the poem. The arrangement of letters and words creates an image that offers the meaning visually. The white space of the page can be a significant part of the poem. The physical arrangement in a Concrete Poem can provide a cohesion that the actual words lack. This allows a poem to ignore standard syntax, and logical sequencing.
"Scales, A Judgement," by Court Smith
"Dove's Song," by Court Smith
Breezes," by Court Smith
"Shaped Salmon," by Court Smith
I < ing. By Billy Eckles
Suppose Columbus Charles Suhor wrong been had Columbus Suppose sheet this as flat was earth the Suppose goodships the And NINA PINTA MARIA SANTA East the to get to west Traveling the is fact the But NINA PINTA MARIA SANTA cliff watery a towards Racing the of nests crow's the in And NINA PINTA MARIA SANTA "!ho Land" cry to wanting men Frightened the on But PINTA MARIA SANTA gone was ship sister their that only crying Men the on And MARIA SANTA gone were ships sisters his that only crying man crazed A end the and abyss airy an suddenly And Columbus Of
Example “Acrobats” by: Ian Hamilton Finlay
CONCRETE POEM by Berkley S (2007)
CONCRETE by william f (2007) W G IN F T L H IG F S EA ER TH poo OceanOcean W V W V W V W V W V A E A E A E A E A E OceanOcean
Concrete by Jessica S (2007)
By Jesse H (2007)
Concrete Poem- The Bridge by Thomas H (2007)
YOUR TURN Create your own concrete poem and add it to your power point poetry portfolio