Thinking out of the box Diffusion of Innovation Theory Zdenka Zenko Associate Professor of Innovation management Assistant Professor of System Theory Faculty of Economics and Business University of Maribor INTERREG 25 years Luxembourg, September 15th 2015
Innovation should include or respect: economic, cultural, ethical, socially responsible, sustainable preconditions and requirements be found beneficial by the user
by Mike Goldberg
Rogers, Everett M Difussion of innovations. 5 th edition. Simon and Schuster. New York. Diffusion is : communication process among people who know a novelty well (inventor, producer) and potential users; is exchange of information and preparation process for decision making; includes uncertainties and risks; includes a process of changing the society.
The system of diffusion includes 4 main elements and two types of assistants: 1.novelty or innovation Made with love by Ryan McGuireRyan McGuire
2. communication channels, Made with love by Ryan McGuireRyan McGuire
3. time Made with love by Ryan McGuireRyan McGuire
4. social systems Made with love by Ryan McGuireRyan McGuire
1.Knowledge 2. Persuasion 5. Confirmation 3. Decision 4. Implementation benefits or rejection recall of information, comprehension, liking information, discussion, positive image select the option working innovation Stages in the innovation decision process:
Waiting for iPhones Made by Padraic Ryan
the earliest users 2.5% early users 13.5% early majority 34% late majority 34% late comers 16% Possible users with different characteristcs: adventurers, cosmopolite, risk takes, innovators have knowledge, respected, opinion leaders, localites many contacts, frequent interacions, willing to adopt innovations but late cautious, need safety, observe the social norms laggards, many doubts, bad experiences, small units
Made with love by Ryan McGuireRyan McGuire CHANGE AGENTS many information heterophilic
opinion leaders members of the group homophilic
"Cooperation beyond borders is like salmons going upstream"
Managing invention to innovation with diffusion theory for further discussions Thank you