Module 5 A LESSON IN A LAB 要求目标 本模块以 “A Lesson in a Lab” 为话题,旨在通过 模块教学,使学生了解一些基本的科学实验知识, 学会怎样写实验报告,并掌握一些相关的词汇与短 语,激发学生对科学的兴趣。此外还要求学生学会 读一些大的整数、分数及小数。从文化的角度来看,


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Presentation transcript:


要求目标 本模块以 “A Lesson in a Lab” 为话题,旨在通过 模块教学,使学生了解一些基本的科学实验知识, 学会怎样写实验报告,并掌握一些相关的词汇与短 语,激发学生对科学的兴趣。此外还要求学生学会 读一些大的整数、分数及小数。从文化的角度来看, 鼓励学生了解国外有关科学教学的情况,以扩大学 生的知识面,从而激发他们的学习兴趣。

Periods Vocabulary and speaking (学会读一些大的整数、分数及小数) Reading and vocabulary (了解一些基本的科学实验知识,学会写实验报告 ) Grammar ( 比较级的用法 ) Everyday English (学会交流与表达) Introduction Cultural corner (了解国外有关科学教学的情况)

REVISION: substance exist gas liquid solid heat metal contract expand Steel a mixture of iron air oxygen earth moon sun electricityglass substance exist gas liquid solid heat metal contract expand Steel a mixture of iron air oxygen earth moon sun electricityglass

1 、基数词的读法 先说 “ 几十 ” ,再说 “ 几 ” ,中间用连字符: 23 twenty-three 先说 “ 几百 ” 再加 and ,再加末两位数 ( 或末位数 ) 223 two hundred and twenty- three 1,000 以上的数:从后向前数,每三位数为 一节;第一个 “ , ” 号前加 thousand; 第二个 “ , ” 号前加 million; 第三个 “ , ” 号前加 billion 。 2,345:two thousand, three hundred and forty-five Vocabulary & Speaking

12,345,678,900 12,345,678,900 thousand million billion 3.Finish jobs in activity1 on page 42

2,000,000 two million 5,100,000 five million, one hundred thousand 12,269,000 twelve million, tow hundred and sixty-nine thousand

There are two mistakes,can you find them? 52,470, fifty-two million, four hundred and seventy, three hundred and eighty-three 100,000, hundred million 365,528, three hundred and sixty-five million, five hundred and twenty-eight thousand, four hundred and sixty-two 1,000,000, one thousand million/one billion fifty-two million, four hundred and seventy thousand, three hundred and eighty-three one/a hundred million The word “thousand" is missing The word “one/a" is missing before “hundred million”

2.Fractions 基数词表示分子,序数词代表分母,除了分子是 “1” 的情况下,序数词要用复数 1/4 one-fourth 2/3 two-thirds 另外,下面还有一些表示法 1/2 a/one half 1/3 a /one third 1/4 a/one quarter 3/4 three quarters 2 ¾ two and three-fifths 2 ½ two and a half 12 ¾ twelve and three tenths

1.Finish jobs in activity2 on page 42 we write we say 1/4 a quarter 1/3 a third 4/5 four-fifths 1/10 one-tenth 3/4 three quarters 1/2 a half 2/3 two-thirds

two-fifths five-eighths nine- tenths three –eighths five- sixths

we write we say 1/4 a quarter 1/3 a third 4/5 four-fifths 1/10 one-tenth 3/4 three quarters 1/2 a half 2/3 two-thirds 25 % 33.3% 80% 10% 75% 50% 66.7% Fraction (分数) be equal to, the same as, as much as Percentage( 百分数 )

fractions two-fifths five-eighths nine- tenths three – eighths five- sixths 40% 62.5 % 90% 37.5% 83.33%

1. forty percent 2. sixty-two point five percent 3 ninety percent 4 thirty-seven point five percent 5 eighty-three point three three recurring percent

point one,zero point one two point five eighteen point two seven three point seven nine eight ten point two three ( zero )point three seven eight 3.How to read decimals( 小数 ):

Conclusion: It’s nearly the same as the Chinese way. 1.The number after the point should be read one by one. 2.however,zero can either be read or not.

1.What is ½ of 6,000,000? 2.How much is 35,246,000 plus 12, 800,000? 3.What is 25% of 200,000,000? 4.How much is 260,408,396 plus 5,284,700? 3,000,000 48,046,000 50,000, ,693,096 Count these


Contents Post Reading Lead-in Passage A Passage B Difficult sentences

1.What can you see in the picture? 2.What other words can you think of when you look at the picture? science -scientific experiment apparatus equipment Bunsen burner test tube tube holder

tongs balance crucible beaker 烧杯 & glass rod 玻棒

GW: Match names of metals to pictures potassium sodiumcalcium magnesium aluminium zinc iron copper


B B. aim D. method A. result C. conclusion D A C The steps of a scientific experiment

Read the passage as quickly as you can and choose the best title for it. The Different Uses of Metals The Reaction of Metals The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen Passage A

The Reaction of Metals Aim: Apparatus: Methods: Result: Conclusion: How different metals react with water and oxygen. (1) Heated in oxygen (2) put into water or steam

MetalsHeated in oxygen Reaction with water or steam Potassium Burn to form an oxide Reacting with cold water Sodium Calcium Magnesium Reacting with steam Aluminium Zinc IronReacts slowlyPartial reaction CopperPartial reactionNo reaction The Reaction of Metals

Read the passage again and answer the following questions: 1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? Potassium, calcium and sodium. 2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? It burns to form an oxide.

3. Which metals react with steam? Magnesium, aluminium and zinc. 4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? It has a slow reaction. 5. Does copper react with water? No, it doesn’t.

1. When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. = When we use metals, we should know how metals react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen, which is very important.

2. Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom. = A table is here. At the top of the table we can see the metals that react most and at the bottom of the table we can see metals that react least.

本句使用了倒装语序。句子的主语是 a table ,后面的 with... bottom 作定语修 饰 a table ;两个 that 都引导定语从句修 饰 the metals 。 句意 : 这里有一个表格,反应最强烈的 金属在最上面, 反应最弱的在最下面。

6Language points 1.react with sth. 化学反应 to sth. 反应 eg. How did your mother react to the news?

2.put sth. in order 按顺序排列 in order of … 按 … 的顺序排列 in order to do sth. 为了做某事 3. at the top at the bottom

4. make sure of sth. that clause eg. I made sure of his arrival. You’d better make sure when and where the meeting will be held. 5.add… to … 把 … 加入 … add to 增加 add up 加起来 add up to 总计是

Complete the passage with proper words according to passage A. Metals are very important, so when using them we should know how they _____ with different substances. Take iron used in ________ equipment for example, when ______ in oxygen, it will react slowly. When it is put together with water or _____, there will be a partial _______. reaction react electrical heated steam

Passage B Task: Write an experiment report Can we put iron nails in wet air? rust

Read the passage and fill in the chart. Passage B Iron in dry air Iron in air-free water Iron in ordinary water Stage A (starting experiment) cotton wool water

Stage B (1 week later) Stage C (Result) nails water Iron does not rust Iron does not rust Iron rusts

1. In the first part of the experiment, the ___ is dry, not wet. 2. It shows that iron ___________ when the air is dry. 3. In the second part of the experiment, you must ____ the water to make sure there is no ____ in it. air does not rust boil air Read the passage again and complete the sentences.

4. You add _________ to the water because this keeps ____ out of it. 5. It shows that ____ does not rust in water that has no ____ in it. some oil air nail air

Language points 1.react with sth. 化学反应 to sth. 反应 eg. How did your mother react to the news?

2.put sth. in order 按顺序排列 in order to do sth. 为了做某事 3. at the top at the bottom

4. make sure of sth. that clause eg. I made sure of his arrival. You’d better make sure when and where the meeting will be held. 5.add… to … 把 … 加入 …

Grammar Degrees of comparison( 比较级 ) 1. 什么是倍数? half , double , twice , times 2. 倍数的表达法 –A+ times +as+ adj. + as + B –A + times + 形容词比较级 + than + B –A + times + the size( length, width, height, depth , age) of + B

This table is 3 times as big as that one. This table is 3 times the size of that one. This table is 3 times bigger than that one. 句子改写: 1. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球 的体积是月球的 49 倍。 2. 3.

3. 比较级的几个句型 A. 比较级 + and + 比较级 “ 越来越 …” Winter is coming. It’s getting colder and colder. B. the + 比较级, the + 比较级 “ 越 …, 就越 …” The busier my mum gets, the happier she is. C. 如果是三个音节或以上的形容词,该如 何使用?

1.more and more “ 越来越┈┈ ” The faster you run, the quicker you will catch up with him. 2. the more ┈, the more ┈ “ 越┈┈越 ┈┈ ” The more money you earn, the bigger houses you can buy.

4. 模糊比较时,该如何表达? 再进一点,比这更多,多一点,重很多 …… 程度副词 a little, a bit, a lot, rather, no, any, (very )much, lots, even, far, still 可以修饰形容词或副词的比 较级.

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Choose the correct meaning 1.Where do we go from here? Means _ __ A.What shall we do next? B.Is this the right way ? 2.Keep the noise down means ____ A.Do not talk B.Talk quietly 3.You have got it! Means ______ A.You have understood B.You have something 4.Go ahead! Means ______ A.Go away B.Begin 5.It is your turn means______ A.You are next B.Turn round A B A B A

Cultural corner Mark Kendon is a Canadian student at Senior High school. Read his description of science teaching in his school. Answer the question.

the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖 诺贝尔奖 (Nobel Prize) 创立于1901年,它 是根据瑞典著名化学家、 炸药发明人阿尔弗雷 德 · 贝恩哈德 · 诺贝尔 的 遗嘱以其部分遗产作为 基金创立的 . 诺贝尔 奖自1901年颁发以 来,陆续有华人获得诺 贝尔科学奖,他们分别 是李政道、杨振宁、丁 肇中等.

Language points I never used to enjoy science 我过去从不喜欢科学, used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,暗含 与现在比较,即现在不这样做了。 如:当我们是孩子时,妈妈常常给我们讲故事 Mother used to tell us stories when we were children.

否定形式 : used not to do (usedn’t to do) did not use to do (didn’t use to do) 疑问形式 : Used+ 主语 +to+ 动词原形 ? Did+ 主语 +use+to+ 动词原形 ?

used to do sth 表示过去常常做某事 ( 但现在不做了 ) be used to (doing) sth 习惯于 (to 为介词 ) be used to do sth 被用来做某事 ( 被动语态 )

The science facilities are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. 这些科研设备非常好,实验室配有最新的设备。 with 在此句中意为 “ 带有 ……”, 其引导的短语 对句子作附加说明。 latest adj. 最新的 that have all the latest equipment 为定语 从句, 修饰 laboratories.

lecture n. 演讲 讲课 lecturer attend/have a lecture 听讲座 give a lecture 作讲座

3.In the last twenty years,seven Candian scientists have won the Nobel Prize. in the last+ 时间段 =in the past+ 时间段, 在过去的 …, 与现在完成时连用。 we should be very proud of that. proud adj. 骄傲的,自豪的 be/feel proud of 以 … 为自豪 take pride in 因 … 而自豪 She is proud of her son’s success. =She is proud that her son has succeed. =She takes pride in her son’s success.

5.As both are supposed to have good Physics Departments. be supposed to do sth. 理应, 应当 It’s six o’clock now. He is supposed to be at home. You’re not supposed to smoke in the building.