Climate Knowledge Exchange Network Ewan Woodley
Aims of the workshop 1.To discuss the key challenges for the communication of climate change at an interdisciplinary level, aiding pedagogic development in this area 2.To strengthen Exeter’s impact portfolio in the field of climate change to maximise the impact assets for REF 2014 and beyond 3.To build a sustainable approach towards impact generation through establishing an Exeter Climate Knowledge Exchange Network that engages with a broad range of stakeholders
10:40Professor Peter Cox – Introduction to Climate Change and Sustainable Futures 11:00Dr Ewan Woodley – Outline of the aims of the workshop and introductions 11:15Professor Nick Talbot – An introduction on behalf of the University of Exeter 11:25Dr Michael Wykes – Research Excellence Framework 11:35 Professor Gareth Shaw – The construction of impact case studies 11:50 Professor Richard Betts – Met Office keynote address on communication of climate science and engaging with climate sceptics 12:10World Cafe – key challenges to climate change communication and impact 12:50Feedback from World cafe 13:10Lunch
14:00 Dr Saffron O’Neill – Keynote address on challenges in the communication of climate change 14:20 Dr Duncan Russel, Dr Tim Kurz, Dr Hugo Lambert, Dr Anna Rabinovich, Dr Stewart Barr Short talks (10 minute presentations) focused on a multidisciplinary exploration of the key challenges faced by climate change researchers 15:20 World cafe – Exploring the nature and establishment of a Climate Knowledge Exchange Network 15:50Feedback from World cafe 16:00Close