Global Youth Tobacco Survey Training Workshop Proposal Development Guidelines
GYTS Proposal Development Important step in GYTS preparation Define implementation and funding plans Obtain budget Proposal Development is an important step in preparing to implement the GYTS in a country. The proposal should include details related to the tasks of implementing GYTS including timeline, staffing, and budget details.
Proposal Outline Cover Sheet Overview Implementation Plan Title and proposed time period Contact Details Research Coordinator (RC) and the Implementing Agency Overview Tobacco control in the country and need for GYTS Previous GYTS history Implementation Plan Time from start to finish, timing for fieldwork Highlight any challenges and plans to address The proposal includes a cover sheet, an overview, implementation plan, budget and any attachments. The cover sheet includes the title and the proposed period during which the survey will be implemented and contact information of the Research Coordinator or the Principle Investigator. The overview section is a brief summary of the tobacco control in the country and rationale to implement GYTS. If a country has previously implemented GYTS, include a brief overview of the previous GYTS and how the results were used. In the implementation plan section, outline the steps for survey implementation. Provide detailed information about when (time of year, time of day the survey will be administered in classrooms and reasoning for that timing), highlight any existing gaps and challenges and plans to overcome them. Provide a detailed timeline of how long the GYTS implementation is expected to take from start to finish.
Proposal Outline Deliverables Dissemination Plan Answer sheets and header sheets properly completed and shipped to CDC Implementation process report Country report Factsheet Dissemination Plan Describe the GYTS results dissemination plan Deliverables will be agreed with Research Coordinator and WHO Regional Office Dissemination Plan need to be briefly described
Proposal Outline Budget Timeline Attachments Send the proposal to PAHO Final Questionnaire Letter of support from MoH/MoE Any alternate source of support Send the proposal to PAHO For the budget section, please provide a detailed budget in US dollars (USD). A brief justification, quantity, unit price, and total cost are required. The justification for each item requested in the budget should provide sufficient detail to explain need and relevance to the project. All requested budget items will be evaluated for reasonableness. A sample budget is available in Appendix H, and a template is available electronically upon request. Pls include in the attachment, a final questionnaire, letter of support from the relevant Ministries and a list of other potential sources of support (if any). A survey proposal should be no longer than five pages and shorter proposal are preferred. Short proposals no more than 5 pages are preferred
Budget Template Budget Category Item Justification Quantity Unit price (USD) Total Cost (USD) WHO/CDC Other Source Personnel Fieldworkers salary x Travel Ex: Travel to school X –province X Air ticket 2 100.00 200.00 Ex: Travel to school Y- province Y Bus ticket 30.00 60.00 Ex:Participant training 10 Perdiem Field work personnel Training personnel Printing Questionnaire Instructions Guidelines/Manuals adapted Translations Back-translation questionnaire Training material Supplies Paper Pencil Envelopes (large and small) Tonner/Printer cartridge Shipping cost inside the country Communication Fone calls, fax and access to email Track number to ship material to the research coordinator Logistics Venue rent for training Equipment Consultancy Other direct costs Other indirect costs TOTAL (U.S dollars) Please refer to Appendix H in the GYTS Implementation Instructions for a sample budget template for drafting purposes. Briefly, the budget categories include any personnel costs such as the perdiem, travel expenses, supplies such as pencils, printing or photocopying of the questionnaire, any consultancy and other relevant costs. Funds from WHO/CDC can not be used for salaries, indirect costs and to buy equipment's The template provide a guide.
2015 - 7 months to implement the survey - Expiration of the funds Timeline Template ACTIVITIES 2015 - 7 months to implement the survey - Expiration of the funds Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul GYTS enrollment list and sampling parameters sheet submitted to PAHO/CDC GYTS training workshop X Questionnaire finalized Sample design finalized GYTS proposal submitted LoA signed and release of funds School Arrangements Data administrator training Data collection Material shipped to CDC Survey implementation(logistic) report submitted to WHO Factsheet approved Data analysis Country Report produced Please refer to Appendix H in the GYTS Implementation Instructions for a sample budget template for drafting purposes. Briefly, the budget categories include any personnel costs such as the perdiem, travel expenses, supplies such as pencils, printing or photocopying of the questionnaire, any consultancy and other relevant costs. Funds from WHO/CDC can not be used for salaries, indirect costs and to buy equipment's The template provide a guide.
Funding Process Final budget will be agreed in discussions with GYTS partners In coordination with PAHO/CO we will define the process of providing financial support.
Global Youth Tobacco Survey Training Workshop Proposal Development Guidelines