The Masque of the Red Death Pre-Reading Symbolism
Literary Symbols Reminder: A symbol is an object or image that represents a feeling, thought, idea, or concept. Examples: A flag represents a country. A dove represents peace. Red can represent blood, violent passion, sacrifice, and disorder (which it represents depends upon the context of what you’re reading) White represents purity and innocence
7 Symbolism: Completeness & Luck In general, the number seven has several implications in Western Culture. Here are a few: In the Hebrew, seven ([b'v, - Sheh'-bah) is from a root word meaning to be complete or full. In the Hebrew, seven ([b'v, - Sheh'-bah) is from a root word meaning to be complete or full. The number 7 is often considered lucky, and it has a definite mystique, perhaps because it is a prime number—that is, it cannot be obtained by multiplying two smaller numbers together…but it can also be associated with bad luck…breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck, etc. The number 7 is often considered lucky, and it has a definite mystique, perhaps because it is a prime number—that is, it cannot be obtained by multiplying two smaller numbers together…but it can also be associated with bad luck…breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck, numberprime number 7 Days of the week - (Sun-day, Moon-day, Tiw’s-day, Woden’s-day, Thor’s-day, Frigg’s-day, Saturn-day). 7 Days of the week - (Sun-day, Moon-day, Tiw’s-day, Woden’s-day, Thor’s-day, Frigg’s-day, Saturn-day). Tiw was a Norse god of war, parallel to Mars in role but to Zeus in etymology MarsZeusMarsZeus Frigg was the Old English version of Frea (or Freya) Frigg wife of Woden (= Odin). Odin
7 Symbolism The sum of the spiritual 3 and the material 4 is 7. The sum of the spiritual 3 and the material 4 is 7. In medieval education, students pursued the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and the quadrivium (music, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy), a total of seven subjects, collectively known as the liberal arts. In medieval education, students pursued the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and the quadrivium (music, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy), a total of seven subjects, collectively known as the liberal arts.liberal artsliberal arts Pythagorean interest in the mathematical patterns in music gives 7 a privileged role, for there are seven distinct notes in the musical scale—corresponding roughly to the white notes on a piano. Counting from 1, the eighth note up the scale is the exceedingly harmonious octave, which is how the name arose. Pythagorean interest in the mathematical patterns in music gives 7 a privileged role, for there are seven distinct notes in the musical scale—corresponding roughly to the white notes on a piano. Counting from 1, the eighth note up the scale is the exceedingly harmonious octave, which is how the name arose.
The Number 7 Symbolism – as it relates to the story 7 Deadly Sins Sloth (laziness) Sloth (laziness) Avarice (greed) Avarice (greed) Envy (jealousy) Envy (jealousy) Gluttony (excess) Gluttony (excess) Wrath Wrath Lust Lust Pride Pride 7 Stages of Life Infant Infant School boy School boy Lover Lover Soldier Soldier Justice Justice Grandpa Grandpa Back to child Back to child
Color Symbolism Blue – Water, coolness, wisdom & sky Blue – Water, coolness, wisdom & sky Purple – Royalty & Power Purple – Royalty & Power Green – Nature, Growth, Life, Hope Green – Nature, Growth, Life, Hope Orange – Mid-day, high noon of existence, harvest, fire & destruction Orange – Mid-day, high noon of existence, harvest, fire & destruction
Color Symbolism White – Purity White – Purity Violet – Memory, knowledge Violet – Memory, knowledge Black – Gloom, death Black – Gloom, death Scarlet/Red – Violent passion, blood, sacrifice, and disorder Scarlet/Red – Violent passion, blood, sacrifice, and disorder
Symbolism East & Rising Sun – Birth, Rise of the Hero, Goodness West & Setting Sun – Death, Fall of the Hero, Evil/ Corruption