Operations 105, Class 1 A Vision for a Campus
Guest Lecturer Mel McGowan is the President and Founder of Visioneering Studios, a national architecture, urban planning, and interior design firm. He leads the creative concept development, programming, master-planning, design, entitlement, and project management efforts of Visioneering Studios. Having spent nearly a decade with the Walt Disney Company, as well as years with a private multi-disciplinary planning, design, and engineering consulting company in Southern California, Mel has designed and managed an enviable portfolio of projects for world-class resorts, institutional, retail, community, and mixed-use projects.
Class 1—A Vision for a Campus Many churches are a jumble of building styles and functions—a mix of dated 1960s with 1990s big box with 2005s cheap. They are a hodge-podge of brick, stone, wood and stucco facades. In this class, we will examine a comprehensive and thorough “vision for a campus.” Whether your church has 500 or 5,000 in worship, your campus needs a sense of creative purpose and design. What does “all campus” thinking look like? What are the essential elements? What questions do pastors need to ask of architects and planners?
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Crossroads Christian Church
We exist to design and develop live/worship/play destinations that lift the spirit…now and forever.