NSLS Vacuum Experience Eugene J. Hu National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY USA September 12-13, 2005 (prepared for presentation in the Workshop of Vacuum Systems for Future Light Source, Barcelona, Spain)
Proposed NSLS-II Vacuum Chamber at Ring Magnets with Gradient
NSLS-I Aluminum Vacuum Chamber ( aluminum-6061 vacuum chamber extrusion with standard cell-type distributed ion pump)
NSLS-I Water–cooled Ceramic Kicker Assembly
NSLS-I Pumping Record serves as Database for the NSLS-II UHV Optimization X- RAY UV/IR 33% 5% 18% 5% 25% 15% 44% 55%
NSLS-I X-Ring VUV-Ring and Booster-Ring
NSLS-I X-Ring Vacuum Gauges and Pumps in Magnet Lattices
NSLS-I X-Ring Superperiod 1
NSLS-I VUV-Ring Vacuum Gauges and Pumps in Magnet Lattices
NSLS-I X-Ring Sublimators ( )
NSLS – II UHV Vacuum Pumps NEG module/strip/coating (>200 l/s) to be considered for use at Linac (SS), certain IDs (AL), and most dipole (AL) chambers TSP (400 l/s) along with Differential Sputter Ion Diode (>250 l/s) to be considered for use at and between the bending dipole locations Plate-type Distributed IP (300 l/s) with Ti-cathode to be considered for use in the vacuum chamber slot at bending dipole magnet (vs. NEG on $) Star Cell TM (100 l/s) to be considered for use at Linac, RF wave guides, certain IDs, and bent sections at ring (along with NEG) (Assume vacuum pressure in dipole chamber during ring operation is ~10 -9 torr after 100 Amp-hour of beam conditioning)
NSLS - II Vacuum Gauges Partial Pressure Monitoring using RGA at location of Ring’s Dipole (one) and its down-beam Cu-absorbers at crotch (one each) Linac (several along the 100-meter straight) Injection System (minimally one) RF Cavities (one each) Insertion Devices (one each) Optical-Diagnostic Sections (minimally one each) Beamline Front End (one, located between the Fast Valve and Safety Shutter) Total Pressure Monitoring using Ion Gauge of Convectron TM – at Turbo Stations (key spot for rough-to-high vacuum sensing) Hot Filaments Nude or glass-shielded IG – along the ring (except ID position) Inverted Magnetron Cold Cathode – ID, mini-gap apparatus, along the ring (vs. NIG)