Fermilab Proton Driver and Muons David Johnson Fermilab Neutrino Factory Muon Collider Collaboration Meeting March 14, 2006
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC2 “Updated (~ ’06 )” ILC-PD (HINS) Interplay
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC3 Design fully ILC-Compatible PD Design Prove, Develop & Build Front-End in Meson (0-100 MeV) Much of Technical Complexity in Front End Test Phase-Shifter Technology and RF Power Scheme with H - Test RT-SC Transition Send First Beam (in the world) through Spoke Cavities Design/Plan MI Injection Line & Upgrade ILC Test/PD Compatible Civil Construction (Expected) Charges for HINS Program Giorgio Apollinari - NuWorkShop FNAL 3/6-7/06
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC4 Finalize layout for injection into MI (optics & civil optimization) Determines footprint of linac enclosure Assure compatibility with existing and future transport lines Booster -> Recycler (Proton plan stage 1) Replace Booster -> MiniBoone with HINS-> MiniBoone (2MW 8 GeV) (?) Allow for upgrade to HINS -> Recycler (?) H- Transport/Injection workshop 12/04 -> no show stoppers 8 Gev H- Transport Controlling losses during transport (Lorentz, Black body, Collimation absorbers) Collimation absorber design (momentum and betatron) Detailed magnet design 8 Gev H- Injection Modify MI FODO straight section to symmetric insert with a doublet (removes quad from injection design and increase space between quads -> ~ 30 m) Currently highest H- injection is 1 GeV at SNS Further optimization and modeling of H- injection using foils (collaboration w/BNL) Foil heating / lifetime Minimize uncontrolled loss at injection Watch SNS laser stripping experiments/designs for possible implementation Linac absorber design Design/Plan MI Injection Line & Upgrades
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC5 8 Gev H - Transport to Main Injector ’tron momentum MI match
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC6 MI-10 Configuration for 8 Gev H - Injection H-H- H+H+ H 0, H - start end closed orbit (DC bumps) foil inj absorber 1.2T 600G Painting trims Current MI10 MI10 for PD H - injection 32 m
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC7 No current guidance on “Test String” requirements from GDE Define and develop ILC specific test facility Shallow construction -> electrons only (precludes usage as HINS) Connection with Tev tunnel for damping ring tests (?) Develop facility which will serve both ILC requirements and requirements for HINS MI depth (shielding good for 2 MW H-) Transport and injection capability to MI Include real estate for transporting electrons (to Tev enclosure) What are muon facility requirements ? Advanced planning to minimize future construction difficulties Requirements to integrate into initial civil design (i.e. cavity layout, stubs for future construction, absorber location, etc) Plan for generic wet land mitigation inside Tev ring (future land usage) Lead time for Corp of Engineers construction permitting requires fixed construction footprint ~ 2yrs ILC Test/PD Compatible Civil Construction
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC8 How Can PD Support A Muon Program ? Provide intense proton source for Muon production via a 2MW proton accumulator / re-buncher If muons can be cooled sufficiently, it could provide the second stage for muon acceleration from 1 GeV to 8 GeV (see M. Popovic talk) Spacing between cryo modules to inject/extract muons Is this optimal for H- and electron acceleration?
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC9 Proton re-Buncher Ring Proton Requirements for Neutrino Factories/Muon Collider (details discussed by D. Neuffer talk) Short bunch lengths( few to 10’s ns), intense (few E13 ppb), fast rep rate (10 Hz ? Larger) Initial Concept for a Proton re-buncher ring Hybrid FODO – doublet lattice (SNS like) Includes: Four FODO arc sections (1.4T dipole, 8 m half cell) Two doublet long straight sections for injection and extraction Requires ~30 m free straight for H- injection (current MI design) Two FODO straight sections for collimation and RF Circumference (similar to Booster ~485 meters) but could be smaller Integrate into Linac dump line design After betatron collimation Momentum collimation ? (enclosure, shielding, utilities, buildings)
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC10 Conceptual Design of re-Buncher Injection Extraction RF Collimation 8 m half cell Circumference ~485m T 0 = 1.6 us Initial 1.54E14 in 3 ms >625 turn injection Ultimate 1.54E14 in 1 ms >1800 turn injection _________ For 2.2T dipole (l=2.9m) 6 m half cell Circumference ~300 m (including inj/ext straight)
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC11 Proton Driver Support for Muon Program ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac 8 GeV neutrino Main MW Anti- Proton SY-120 Fixed- Target Neutrino “Super- Beams” NUMI Off- Axis Electrons for ILC Damping Ring Demo
March 14, 2006 dej NFMCC12 Summary HINS Program organization in place for the continued R&D and development of a High Intensity Neutrino Source (aka PD) at FNAL Requirements for proton accumulator/re- buncher are needed to incorporate muon capability in PD. If linac is to be used for muon acceleration, need detailed specifications for incorporation of connection to linac.