Forward Calorimeter Layer Sum Boards Phase I Upgrade LAr Internal Review J. Rutherfoord 29 May 2015
23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord2 FCal LSBs for Phase I Goals of the Phase I upgrade Description of the baseline Present status
One FCal1 -slice 28 May 2015J. Rutherfoord3 Now Proposed Now just 4 trigger towers per -slice Will be 12 trigger towers per -slice
FCal front-end is different Trigger summing No summing in depth All LSB inputs are individually weighted by sin( ) – Of order 10 variation 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord4
FCal Layer Sum Bds Layer Sum Boards will provide finer segmentation, i.e. less summing. Will maintain legacy summing 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord5 Layer Sum Board
FCal1 LSB Schematic 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord6
FCal1 Phase I Layer Sum Board 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord7
23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord8 Dynamic range Table is everywhere in units of E T In FCal, kinematic limit determined at s = 14 TeV Choose p T = 512 GeV as upper limit for all FCal trigger towers for now No saturation! Use shaper linear mixer output upper limit of 3.0 V Set linear mixer gains as low, hi, hi
Resistor values assuming 512 GeV p T and linear mixer 3.00 V 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord9
Test (dummy) boards Front-End Board (with LSB slots) Calibration board Input from pulse generator to mux which drives 128 lines LTDB with mux from inputs to output to digital scope 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord10
“Dummy” Front End Board layout 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord11
FCal1 prototype Phase 1 LSB 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord12 Input: pin 02 Output: pin 49 Rise: 35 ns Amp: 2.5 Vpp Only one power and one ground pin connected for this test. 100 ns 2.5 V
FCal1 LSB prototype: Normal x-talk 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord13 Input: 2.5 Vpp Output: 3 mVpp 0.1% x-talk 100 ns 5 mV 2.5 V
FCal1 LSBOnly case of bad x-talk 23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord14 Input: 2.5 Vpp Output: 50 mVpp 2% x-talk 100 ns 50 mV 2.5 V
23 September 2014J. Rutherfoord15 Present status FCal1 LSB pcb stuffed and tested Flaw – One channel in one location has cross- talk exceeding specs. Easy to fix. Possible mix-up on which pair to sum. Three dummy FEB pcbs stuffed – ready to test