My Country Is….. Keyerika Williams January 26, st period
Costa Rica
Costa Rica is located in Central America (Central America)
President The president of Costa Rica is Laura Chinchilla. The president of Costa Rica is Laura Chinchilla.
Population There are 3,834,934 in Costa Rica. There are 102 males for every 100 females. There are 3,834,934 in Costa Rica. There are 102 males for every 100 females.
Name Of The People Costa Rican citizens are commonly known as Latin Americas. Costa Rican citizens are commonly known as Latin Americas.
Race Of The People White (including mestizo) 94%, black 3%, Amerindian 1%, Chinese 1%, other 1% White (including mestizo) 94%, black 3%, Amerindian 1%, Chinese 1%, other 1%
Religious Beliefs More than the 90% of the Costa Ricans are catholic, but almost no one gets riled about his or her religion and faith, as religious freedom is granted by the constitution and upheld by the tolerant nature of the Ticos. Holy Week (the week before Easter) is a national holiday, and its supposed to be a time of prayers and good behavior, but people in almost every place of Costa Rica take it as an excuse for vacations and secular binge. Here the passing of the parish priest inspires no reverential gestures. And almost all Costa Ricans respond to the sound of the church’s bells only on special events, like baptism, marriage, and maybe the Easter morning our during mourning masses. More than the 90% of the Costa Ricans are catholic, but almost no one gets riled about his or her religion and faith, as religious freedom is granted by the constitution and upheld by the tolerant nature of the Ticos. Holy Week (the week before Easter) is a national holiday, and its supposed to be a time of prayers and good behavior, but people in almost every place of Costa Rica take it as an excuse for vacations and secular binge. Here the passing of the parish priest inspires no reverential gestures. And almost all Costa Ricans respond to the sound of the church’s bells only on special events, like baptism, marriage, and maybe the Easter morning our during mourning masses.
Project Questions What is the name of the country you are researching? What is the name of the country you are researching? How do the people of the country dress? How do the people of the country dress? Can women vote, work, lead, etc.? Can women vote, work, lead, etc.? What are the cultural differences between this country and the United States of America? What are the cultural differences between this country and the United States of America? What is protocol for meeting & greeting someone? What is protocol for meeting & greeting someone? When someone arrives in this country what are some “survival” tips they need to know? When someone arrives in this country what are some “survival” tips they need to know? Costa Rica Costa Rica People in Costa Rica uses jeans, shirts, sweaters, just like Americans do Yes. Costa Rica women are treated well, although there are the some men disagree on equal treatment. Costa Rican cuisine is a blend of Native American, Spanish, African and many other cuisine origins. Dishes such as the very traditional tamale and many others made of corn are the most representative of its indigenous inhabitants, and similar to other neighboring Mesoamerican countries The protocol in Costa Rica is the same thing as in the USA. Bushcraft and primitive living are most often self implemented, but require many of the same skills.