What are the 2 structures that create the Central Nervous System? Peripheral Nervous System and the Central Nervous System
What is the function of the Nervous System? The Nervous System collects information about the body’s internal and external environment, processes that information, and responds to it.
What part of the brain is associated with emotion, behavior and memory? The Limbic System
What are the 3 major parts of the brain, responsible for processing and relaying information? Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Brain Stem
________ experiences change many of the patterns of neuron connections in the brain. These new cells originate in regions associated with learning and memory Sensory
This body system takes in oxygen, as well as exhausts CO 2 from the body Respiratory
This body system incorporates the largest organ in the body. It also protects against infection Integumentary System
The kidneys, bladder and ureters are apart of this body system Excretory System
Supports the body and protects internal organs Skeletal System
This body system controls growth, development and metabolism. Regulates hormones Endocrine System
These receptors of the PNS creates movement of the muscles in response to a stimulus Motor receptors
Stimulus Sensory Receptors ___________ CNS Sensory Neurons
This sensory receptor is found in the eyes and responds to light Photoreceptors
The ______________ regulates activities that are involuntary, or not under conscious control Autonomic Nervous System
Thermoreceptors are found in these 2 areas of the body Skin and hypothalamus
How many Cranial Nerves are there? 12
What is the purpose in testing Cranial Nerves? To determine the area of the brain that has experienced trauma. By knowing this, it makes treatment easier to determine.
Cranial Nerve VII, is tested by smiling, frowning and puffing out cheeks Facial
Cranial Nerves go through openings in the skill and stimulate regions of the _______ and _______. Head and neck
This nerve is responsible for lateral eye movement. Cranial Nerve VI Abducens
This part of the neuron is the first receives the stimulus. Functions almost like “branches of a tree” Dendrites
This structure of the neuron functions like “the brain” of the cell Nucleus
Also known as the Soma Cell Body
Acts as the insulator to the axon Myelin Sheath
This structure of the neuron is the very end of the neuron. It is where the axon breaks into different branches Axon terminal
What is the disease commonly associated with football players and soldiers, caused by continuous head trauma and leads to significant depression? Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy