Role Fulfillment TRAINING SESSION 21 OCT 2014
Plan Announcements Quick review of last time’s stuff Positions and their roles How to prepare for each position Split into rooms and debate
This House Believes that ‘the West’ and Russia are entering a new Cold War. Thursday, October 22 7pm MS.01 Proposition: John Lough, Chatham House Andrew Green, Debater Opposition: Admiral Corder, NATO Georg Löfflmann, Warwick
NAMDA Novice Sign-ups close tomorrow Novice only competition Lancaster! (they have a place that sells a 1 pound burrito) October 31 st We pay your reg fee and 1/3 travel costs
Last time we looked at The BP format Position General structure of a debate Points of information Structure of a speech (Speech Burger) What you are going to say Rebuttal Why your point is true Why it’s relevant What you’ve just said
Opening Government (OG) Closing Government (CG) Opening Opposition (OO) Closing Opposition (CO) 1.Prime Minister 3. Deputy Prime Minister 5. Member of Government (MG) 7. Government Whip (GW) 6. Member of Opposition (MO) 8. Opposition Whip (OW) 2. Leader of Opposition (LO) 4. Deputy Leader of Opposition (DLO) TOP HALF BOTTOM HALF
Points of Information(POIs) Short interruptions in the speech of somebody on the opposing side Allowed only outside of protected time Can be accepted(in which case you say the POI) or refused(in which case you have to sit down) by the speaker 1 MIN 3 MINUTES 1 MIN
Opening Government (OG) 1. Prime Minister Set up the debate i.e. definitions, mechanism, criteria. Problem, mechanism/solution, why it works. Two/ Three of the most important arguments 3. Deputy Prime Minister Respond to Leader of Opposition’s arguments. Defend PM’s arguments against LO’s refutations. At least one key NEW argument. Plus a possible other argument.
How to prepare for OG Make sure you understand the motion What do we need to prove to win What is the problem we are trying to solve (just think about situations in SQ where the motion affects and who it affects) Does what we propose solve the problem? How? Why is this the best(only) solution Who does it affect he most(stakeholders) Why do these groups matter the most in the debate
Let’s watch a PM speech Motion: This House Would Grant an Immunity to Dictators Who Voluntarily Step Down
Wise words(use sensible lines)
Opening Opposition (OO) 2. Leader of Opposition Respond directly to Prime Minister’s arguments. Set up team-line/principle. Two/Three arguments. 4. Deputy Leader of Opposition Respond to Deputy Prime Minister’s arguments. Defend LO’s arguments against DPM’s refutations. Provide one or two new arguments.
How can you attack this from Opp? Usual cases feature around: Solution does not lead to desired "then" Then is bad. Have to say why then is better than now or vice versa. Often Opposition teams will just explain problems in Then - without explaining why those make it worse than Now. So even if you prove that there desired Then doesn't happen you still have to explain why that Then is worse than Now.
Prep for OO Same as OG Try to think about what arguments OG could bring and how to link yours to theirs You don’t need to disprove every single point
Closing Government (CG) 5. Member of Government (Extension Speaker) Refute OO (especially DLO’s arguments) Make two/three NEW arguments OR Provide FAR more detail on OG’s argument(s). 7. Government Whip (Summary Speaker) Respond directly to Member of Opposition’s arguments (the only one on Gov bench who can). Summarise debate, explaining why Government won BUT emphasising in particular the arguments you brought in CG. Structure: clash points Should not bring up any new arguments
During the round 1. Listen to the other speeches. 2. Establish: gaps in argumentation, 3. Important arguments that need to be refuted, 4. Whether or not a principal/pragmatic case would be most effective, 5. Who you are fighting against for positions/ Ensure you prioritise defeating the most important arguments. 6. Work with your partner to determine your extension is going to be so you can start writing your speech asap.
During the round(2) Summary 1. Introduction – briefly detail why your extension was new and why it wins the debate. 2. Highlight all new responses and substantive brought by your partner. 3. Expand upon analysis brought by your partner 4. Add examples to your partners analysis. 5. Emphasise how your partner’s analysis wasn’t engaged with and why it is so important. 6. Differentiate yourself from the top-half team.
Closing Opposition (CO) 6. Member of Opposition (Extension Speaker) Refute Member of Government’s extension (has to be done here and not in the summary). Two/three extension arguments. 8. Opposition Whip (Summary Speaker) Defend MO’s extension against GW’s rebuttal. Summarise debate, emphasising MO’s extension as being key to it being won by Opposition. Should not bring up any new arguments.
Prep for closing teams Similar to opening teams Have to develop a few lines of extension to choose from Make sure all of them are clear to both you and your partner so you can pick and follow them quickly