OCN 5401 Chapter 11 Coastal Ocean Instructor: Dr. George A. Maul / X 7453
Earth’s Estuaries
Estuary Classifications KnaussNybakkenSumichKennett Salt WedgeCoastal Plain Salt Wedge Partially MixedTectonicBar BuiltPartially Mixed Well MixedFjordDeltaLagoon NegativeDelta
Estuaries and Inlets
Estuarine Issues
Mixing Richardson Number R i < 0.25 internal shear waves develop
Residence Time (t) and Sebastian Inlet
Coastal Ocean Observing System
Coasts and Beaches A healthy coral reef creates sand for healthy beaches
Beach Terminology and Sand D(mm)Wentworth GradePhi >256Boulder-8 >64Cobble-6 >4Pebble-2 >1Very course sand0 >1/2Course sand1 >1/4Medium sand2 >1/8Fine sand3
Beach Sand Erosion and Accretion Short period wind waves (T<7 seconds) Long period swell waves (T>9 seconds)
Classification of River Deltas Brazos River Delta Ganges River Delta
Amazon Delta 6300 km 3 /year ~ 1/150 of Gulf Stream
The drainage basin of the Mississippi River encompasses a major portion of the central United States. How much is this??
The Mississippi River has built a series of overlapping subdeltas as it continually dumps sediment into the Gulf of Mexico.
Satellite Imagery of the Classical Birdsfoot Delta at the mouth of the Mississippi River Mississippi River entering Gulf of Mexico - Note the color contrast. (Picture from John Trefry)
Changes in sediment composition along the Nile River
Nile Delta Sediments Denial is not a river in Egypt Photograph False color Image
Semi-Enclosed Seas Intra-Americas Sea
Intra-Americas Sea SSH
Lakes – The Aral Sea
Artificial Lakes Lake Nasser
Coastal Ocean of the Southeastern United States
OCN 5401 Questions? Chapter 11